Friday, December 31, 2004


Thought Processes

In a few hours we shall say goodbye to 2004 and welcome in 2005. It certainly has been an interesting year in many aspects. I am going to try an make sense of some of the thoughts on this final day of 2004.

First, work wise, this has been a very good year. At a time when some were touting an economy in decline and manufacturing moving overseas, I can report that the shop is closing the year at 203 percent of last years Gross Income and will carry over into 2005 a Receivable Income of 263 percent of last years carry over. Add into the equation that we have Purchase Orders on file for delivery dates into mid-March 2005.

Every machine shop we deal with seems to have experienced the same problem we have had to endure this past year. Work!

Politics. Well, we all know how I have beat this horse into the ground. But a couple of things I have yet to say, which probably should be said, and I may as well say them here.

I do not believe in Term Limits. Granted, there are a few Congressmen and Senators, that could use an extended vacation in the unemployment line, I agree with President Gerald Ford that term limits would ultimately put the Federal Government in the hands of the bureaucrats and not in the hands of the elected officials. It is those elected officials that keep the bureaucrats under control as it is and the voter that keeps the elected official under what control they exert in the voting booth.

Term Limits would end an ongoing process of learning the ins and outs of Government, which is vital in keeping the bureaucrats in place. Stop that process too soon and the bureaucrats would soon exert their experience and press their own agendas over the good of the populace.

And anyone who wishes to counter this argument, consider this. The Internal Revenue Service is made up of bureaucrats. Chew on that for awhile.

So, what next?

Maybe a couple minor things here. Considering the group of folks I associate with, I have and pretty much will always feel I am the most Liberal of the group. Now, I know I am not any where near the extremes most think of when they think of a Liberal, but I do know I am slightly over the center line to the left. What puts me in this position so much different from so many of my friends? Well, that could take a several thousand words of nonsense to expound on.

Part of the problem is how each individual defines liberal and conservative. I’m not even sure the political definitions of each term adequately define the placement of a person in such a niche. But I actually enjoy my status and hope that an opposing view can help smooth some otherwise rough edges.

Besides, a little intelligent dissention can further enlighten and educate this poor country boy in the ways of the world.

I believe in the Bill Of Rights. I believe in the Freedom of Speech, in that each person has a right to speak his or her mind on any subject. I caution the reader to remember that with said freedom, each person has the responsibility to be informed on the subject and be aware they have a responsibility to humanity in general to consider Newton’s Second Law. Even though I consider Political Correctness to be a large pile of steaming bovine waste material, the speaker must consider the ramifications of their statements and be prepared for the reactions to them. Hiding behind the Right of Speech is not a shield to skirt the responsibility for their words or actions. And to have a Liberal politician tell me I have to be politically correct in my speech so as not offend another really offends me.

Which I might add, that I find myself totally offended by the use of Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas by many businesses in an attempt not to offend anyone. I guess it is okay to offend those of us who prefer being told Merry Christmas, but is bad business to offend someone who does not believe in Christmas. Holy Back Lash, Batman!! I hope those companies who chose to insult those of us but favoring others feel the economic blows they so deserve. Anyone else offended by such convoluted thinking?

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. You have no idea how hard it is not too put some really annoying and silly quip in here.

Some folks act as if the world itself would stop turning if this specific right within this country was lost. Then you have others believe that civilization itself is in danger due to this right. And somewhere in between is the truth.

The Right to Bear Arms does not in itself guarantee we shall always be free to do as we feel we can currently do. It is now known that all during the Cold War, when folks were pointing to the Soviet Union as an example of gun control, and us believing the populace was unarmed, was a lie. Or at least a misconception. And a picture within a National Geographic magazine in the early 1970’s shows a Mongol nomadic herder on horseback, with an AK-47 slung across his back.

Give this some chewing and consideration. The most powerful right we have is the right to vote. It is shared by both the Pro’s and the Anti’s. And it is that right which guarantees the others. Granted the improbable threat of an armed populace revolt keeps the power mongers somewhat in check, it does not stop the attempt by many to make the Second Amendment obsolete.

And this brings me to a comment I have heard several times over the past year. This comment is from a person but a tiny few have met. If the Revolutionary War was started today, it would not get out of the gate. The race would be over before the gun sounded. And I’ll be damned if I can find an argument to counter those statements. Certainly there would be a minor clash here and there, but no major battles which would give us our liberty. And no positive leadership to take the revolt beyond the talking stage.

Now some know I do own firearms in many shapes and forms. They also know that I rarely hunt. Let me say this one thing. If my manhood relies on hunting, then I have more then proved it in places most only know of in history books. I am comfortable enough with my manhood that I do not have to kill one of Mother Natures critters to prove it. Besides, I did cut off my ponytail, didn’t I? So if I never have to take up a firearm in anger or survival again, I am content with my life. I have nothing to prove.

This past year has provided me with two great trips to one of the prettiest lakes in the country. And gave this poor, overworked brain a chance to cool it’s circuits. For that I am very grateful. I hope to repay the courtesy some day.

So this was just a little of what I did not touch upon during the year in previous commentaries and articles. There is much I have not said and have yet to determine if I want to share it with others. I know that many would prefer me to recount the trials I had with eBay and such, so they could enjoy a good laugh. And to be honest, even I could use one while writing about such subjects. Maybe the New Year will give me something to sink my sarcastic wit into. Then again, maybe I’ll turn that wit towards more personal things.

Be careful what you wish for. I might just get it.

31 December 2005
1640 hours CST
Hunkered in My Bunker.

Sunday, December 05, 2004


What? Me Worry?

(Title stolen from Alfred E. Neuman)

Well, according to seemingly every place you turn, I should be worried about:

The Islamic people want me dead cause I’m an Infidel.
The local churches tell me I’m going to burn in hell if I don’t join their church.
The Klan and the Aryan Nation hates me cause I’m not pearly white.
The Left Wing Liberals hate me cause I refuse to be a victim and carry a gun.
The Right Wing Extremists have hate me cause I refuse to be paranoid like they are.
Cigarettes will kill me.
Fatty Foods will kill me.
Starchy Foods will kill me.
Prostate Cancer can kill me.
Stress can kill me.
If I’m not knee deep in debt, then I must be a failure in life.
Locals think I’m crazy, or at least a tad nuts.
The Reader’s of this Blog think I’m a bit off my rocker at times.
My Aunt has Class 3B/4 cancer.

Now…from Encarta:

Bully (bul·ly)

noun (plural bul·lies) aggressive person: an aggressive person who intimidates or mistreats weaker people.

Colloquialism (col·lo·qui·al·ism)

noun informal expression: an informal word or phrase that is more common in conversation than in formal speech or writing

Now I have to worry about one; being a bully and two; having a reader being a ‘Thorn in my Blanket.

Well, I do hope the reader in question realizes that according to Encarta he is attempting to intimidate me by being a thorn in my blanket. Sadly, his use of a colloquialism leaves a lot to be desired. You can be a ‘thorn in my side’ or “a burr under my blanket”, but thorn in my blanket? This must be a sign of the changing times.

I do find it interesting that I purposely gave the reader several places he/she could have dumped on me in a major way. Sadly, they missed each target given. Instead they chose to continue speaking in generic terms, with little substance to support them.

I also gave the readers a bit of insight to my background. More then I received back in return. Interesting they seemed to either miss that information or choose to ignore it based on a mistaken theory of superior position.

So, I’m now a bully cause I decided to end the thread. I’m a bully cause I must have mistreated that individual by bringing to light much which was in error in their beliefs. I must be a bully cause I refuse to kow-tow to a misguided belief in a political parties dogma which cost them an election.

Gawd, I love It!!!

All through this I tried to keep things on the straight and narrow, whereas my dialogue partner took honest concepts and tried to turn them on me. I find this typical of the Liberal mind. They find out something about themselves and try to turn them into their opponents weakness or evil. Take some weakness about themselves and claim the opposition has this while they are above it all.

Trouble is, when dealing with print, it is difficult to hide the obvious.

Oh well, this is the world in which we live. For my subscribers, you may remember that I have often spoken about responsibility and how too many people cannot seem to grasp that they are responsible for their own actions. And within this thread we see this as plain as day.

I accept responsibility for starting this thread. I accept responsibility for publishing the facts as they are, not as I nor my opponent would desire them to be. I accept that I made every attempt possible not to refer to my opponent in terms less then honorable. And I accept that I am responding to this individual, when I should just ignore him.

I accept writing today’s article is really fun. I accept that I could, if required, give my opponent a lesson in being a bully that could and would redefine the term. I accept that it is much more fun not to be a bully and allow others to crawl in the gutter, all the while, making fun of them in such a fashion they do not realize they have been slammed until much later.

And if my opponent desires to be a thorn in my blanket so be it. I accept any and all input and comments. Whether I respond or not is solely my choice. And as far as worrying about anything listed above, I have determined that My Aunt is worth worrying about, while the rest is not worth my time.

To my Friends… Semper Fi.

5 December 2004
At Home With The Flu.

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