Saturday, November 27, 2004


Closing Comments

I have tried to approach this with the intent of learning. And I do believe I have learned much from this exchange.

BlogFrog4 has presented statistics showing how some people voted. These are figures from exit polls, since there is no way to know exactly how anyone actually voted. Taken as they are you can wonder if Bush did in fact won the election. But I warn the reader that those statistics are in fact taken out of context from the actual polling figures.

I say this based on the exit polling which can be viewed at CNN’s election results web site. I’ll provide that site in a moment or three. Anytime we look at exit polling figures, we must take them with a grain of salt. Remember it was the polling figures back in 2000 that gave this country heart burn until the dust settled. Polling figures do lie. It would be a wonder to know how many people polled actually told the truth of how they voted.

There you go, enjoy all those dry numbers accompanied by pretty graphics.

Now, I feel I have tried to keep an open mind in all of this so I could learn why and what needs to be done to understand the doubts and fears caused by this election. It seems that BlogFrog4 has no desire to come to grips with my desire to understand.

He keeps bringing up the Middle East Peace process and yet, his closing remarks are a key indicator why peace in that region has always been a problem. In order to obtain a peaceful resolution to any turmoil, it requires the open discussion between two parties. What it does not need is for one to ridicule the other over the sincere comments made by the other side.

There is an old adage that to ridicule a person is to prove you are unsure of your own position. I make no assumption concerning this, except that I am disappointed that BlogFrog4 would take this path. I took the high road on this and shall remain on that track.

As far as BlogFrog4’s question concerning if Bush actually won the election, I have only one reference. That reference is Kerry’s concession of the election.

Certainly Kerry won votes within the so called Red states, but if you examine the Blue states you will notice that Bush also lost some of those states by the narrowest of margins. In Minnesota, Bush won five of the Congressional Districts to Kerry’s three. But those three were more populated then the other five, giving the state to Kerry. In Michigan, Bush won 68 of the 83 counties in the state, but Kerry won the most heavily populate counties. And in New Hampshire, Kerry won six of the 10 counties, yet won the state by less then 100,000 votes.

As far as what legacy Bush will leave at the end of this term is still to be written. Let us all pray it will be one every American can be proud of.

I have said all I intend say concerning the 2004 Election. Comment any and all your hearts desire as this is my last posting on the subject. I have larger fish to fry and a small skillet to fry it in.

Till we meet again.

26 November 2004
The Oklahoma Badlands

Friday, November 26, 2004


View Point

It has recently been mentioned to me that my usual sarcastic wit has been missing from these Blogs. And that the good old days of my battles with eBay are sorely missed. I can only say that each aspect of commentary has it’s own place at it’s own time.

My dialogue with BlogFrog4 could have been extremely sarcastic in nature on my part, but I chose not to extend myself in that direction. I was and still am serious in determining the depth and reasons for the dislike which BlogFrog4 showed in his/her comments.

We do not live in a bubble. We live in a world of expanding technology and communications. No longer are events occurring half way around the world and news reaching us days later. Many times we see them live, as they occur. And if we intend to continue to consider ourselves civilized, we must extend our thinking and feelings into those realms where our opponents exist. We cannot allow ourselves to consider that ours is the only way in which we must exist in this world. I do not believe there is a happy medium in which we can all survive, but there is a point in which each of us on this shrinking planet can co-exist.

Our phobias are driven by the daily elements of our lives. We fear the loss of aspects of our lives and thus we determine how we shall live. Our politics are based on all of the elements of our lives and determines the direction of our political leanings.

For the subscribers of my commentaries, they have a basic idea what type of person I am. Or do they? They see me quite often in chats and via e-mail, expounding on the shape of the Universe. What they mostly see is a clown with a sometimes razor sharp wit. Sometimes with a wit dulled to the point butter has nothing to fear.

But BlogFrog4 has zero idea who I am and what I truly believe in. Then again, there are many things we do not know about BF4.

I will mention only in context those things we do not know about BF4. Male or female? Age? Economic status? Racial makeup? Location on Planet Earth? Education? Travel experiences? Employment, both current and past? Martial status? Military experience, if any? Only child or position within a larger family? I could expand this list farther but I think you get the idea.

Each of the items I mentioned above adds to the makeup of each and every one of us. I do not subscribe to the thinking that the environment is responsible for making us a criminal or an upstanding citizen, but I do believe it shapes our thinking and how we approach life in general. I am aware that I just somewhat contradicted myself, but only if you subscribe to the standard pattern of Sociologists in how environment effects growth and character.

Something I’m sure most missed in the dialogue between BF4 and myself is that he never once asked why I determined that Bush was the correct man for President. Not once did he inquire if I had fears of Kerry taking the Oval Office. His concerns were narrowly focused, with very little room to maneuver.

I do appreciate his emotions in this matter. But to allow emotions to overrule logic can lead to many disastrous decisions. In this, we are all guilty. As hard as I have tried to lead my life making informed decisions, I am more then aware that I have allowed emotion to take control and lead me astray on several occasions. Those times when I was lucky in that my emotions were in tune with a rational decision, I can only be thankful.

What I did notice that created a nominal amount of fear in this last election was the attempt to firmly divide this country into the haves and have nots. To divide this country by class. To establish a situation where one group of people could be blamed for the condition of another. The wealthy verses the poor. But the amazing aspect of this was, it was members of the wealthy that was preaching the evils of the rich to anyone that would listen. And even more amazing was how many people bought into such drivel.

Then after the election we saw members of the losing party condemn those that voted against them. I have never heard such insults before, during or even after an election as I heard this time around, from high ranking members of the Democratic party.

And what I found funny was that long before the Democratic Convention, word had reached me that John Edwards political life was short lived and could not even be elected dog catcher in his home state, and yet, he was chosen as Kerry’s running mate in hopes he could bring in the Southern vote, as LBJ had done for John Kennedy. If I heard this from several sources, both privately and in public, didn’t the Democratic National Committee hear this and if so, did they just choose to ignore it? And they consider us ignorant rednecks.

By now the reader is wondering just where my demented mind is taking this diatribe and when I am going to get there. Actually, that point has came and went. But to simplify it some, here is what I was trying to say. If we as a country intend to survive and continue to grow, we must attempt to understand what drives the opposite political view. In doing so, it is possible that we can even adjust our own views to take in consideration those of the opposing side of the political aisle. Hopefully during this exchange, they too will examine their positions and modify them to accept some of our concerns or fears.

I shall close this maniacal diatribe with the following thought. The best man for the job as President was not elected this November 2nd. And it is extremely doubtful he will ever be elected, for one specific reason. He did not run for the office. And he will never run. The best man for the job is smart enough not to put himself in such a position. Who is this person? I have no idea. And I doubt anyone else does either. Just that he will never allow himself to be used by either side of the political fence.

26 November 2004
Creek County, Oklahoma

Sunday, November 14, 2004


A Conversation with BlogFrog4

OK… got the Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day out of the way, so now time to get back into the thinking mode. Now for any new reader to this Blog, may I suggest you scroll down to the previous article and comments to it before reading this one. Otherwise, you will not receive the full level of confusion of this discussion. So, go on.. Read the previous articles then come on back.

(We pause for this commercial break. Picture a lithe brunette running through a field of daisies with a soundtrack by John Williams. You can decide what the commercial is all about.)

Alright, everyone caught up now? If not, don’t even begin to blame me for any additional confusion here. You were warned.

I am going to write this in an interview manner. He said, I said kind of thing. This way I can be accused of taking things out of context. And I hope that BlogFrog4 understands that I am going to use BF4 when referring to him as I shall use CL in referring to myself.

And Now we begin…….

BF4: Over 1,000 servicemen have died in Iraq. By some estimates over 10,000 Iraqis have been killed.

CL: Yes, the loss of any individual saddens this old Infantryman’s heart. And as crass as this may sound we must remember, you take the pay, you accept the chances. But also consider this. In many ways those people are safer there then here at home. The National Transportation and Safety Board predicts over 47,000 people will die on our nations highways this year. Approximately 750 will die in boating accidents. And having been where those young men and women are currently at, I can say there has been many times I have felt more in danger on our public highways then I felt in a hostile fire zone. At least there, you can shoot back.

And why does this bother you so badly? Men and women die daily while in service to this country. Not in combat, but from accident or incident. Unless it is a spectacular situation, no one but the families are ever aware of these things. In all my years of service I cannot remember a single year in which we did not loose a single man in a Battalion size unit. Dead is dead. Nothing can change that simple fact of life.

As far as the Iraqi deaths, if they were combatants, they took their chances. I can only feel a certain level of remorse for an innocents killed by either side. But be careful about pointing out Iraqi deaths. Embedded reporters during this current operational phase have reported killing rooms, where the insurgents have murdered innocent people by the dozens. One mosque was found to contain hundreds of bodies. People killed by insurgents in hopes that US Forces would attack the mosque in such a way they could blame the deaths on us.

BF4: There have been no WMD’s found….

CL: Wrong. Of course, I’m fairly sure what that statement is based upon is that no warehouse or stockpile with neon signs saying “WMD’s Stored Here” have been found. But I am sure the two Explosive Ordinance Disposal people who were exposed to Sarin when an field expedient munitions device they were disarming exploded will argue with you. As Stormin’ Norman said, “It only takes one landmine to make it intense”, it only takes one shell, missile, rocket, canteen or bucket of a tactical chemical agent to prove the existence of WMD’s.

Then you have video evidence of Saddam’s use of WMD’s on his own people and on the Army of Iran. Toss in Former President Clinton’s comments on Larry King Live about knowing Iraqi had WMD’s on the last day of his term in office. GW acted on the best intelligence he had at hand at the moment. Keep that in mind.

BF4: ….nor have ties been established between Al Qaeda and Saddam.

CL: Although it can be debated and even though I view this with a cautious eye, the 911 Commission does show the possibility of a link. Note I said possibility. It does report of two separate meetings between Al Qaeda terrorists and agents of Iraqi’s Intelligence community. You can argue with me on this, but being an observer of Saddam and his son’s leads me to believe that the meetings were never held without approval of one of the three and knowledge of all of them. It has been reported on many occasions of the tight controls Saddam and his sons had over ever aspect of Iraqi.

Any link here is tedious to say the least. But we must never forget an old saying. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” war and hate makes strange bedfellows, even when partners have such a diversely different goal in mind.

BF4: The Justice Department, aside from John Walker Lyndh, has not successfully prosecuted one terrorist.

CL: And your point is??

BF4: The Middle East peace process is moribund….

CL: Like this is news? The Middle East has been fouled up since the British refused to give the Arabs their own state back at the end of WWI. And just how far back in history do you really wish to travel? So may I suggest that both political parties have been screwing this one up for years.

BF4: ….unemployment is up while training and benefits for the unemployed are down, ….

CL: Back up and regroup troop. The current report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows employment down and has been going down over the past several months.. It also shows over 2 million new jobs created over the past year. And as far as benefits are concerned, in my home state the benefits come from the state, not the Federal Government. So I cannot express any thoughts on why you see benefits are down. Does the Federal Government provide moneys for unemployment benefits and/or training? I’m sure they do, but never depend on the Federal Government to do what a person can do for themselves.

BF4: …the Pentagon is now investigating Halliburton….

CL: Again… you point is? Just before Eisenhower left office, he warned of the Military/Industrial Complex. If you think what Haliburton may or may not have done is an indication of wrong doings due to Cheney’s past relationship with them, might I bring to light these things have been happening as long as a private contractor has been doing business with the Government. If Cheney had not been the VP, no one would have paid much attention to the investigation. Or even if any wrong doing had occurred. Besides, what has the Pentagon investigating Haliburton to do with the price of tea in Lower Slobovia?

BF4:…No Child Left Behind is under funded, ….

CL: I haven’t really looked into this program to express an informed comment. But one comment I will make is that I’m never seen any program from Congress be as fully funded as they initially plan nor as some out in the streets believe it should be funded. Let’s see what happens during this next session of Congress.

BF4: ……and the EPA is ignoring existing laws and adjusting current toxicity levels of every thing from arsenic in our water to lead in our air.

CL: Boy, this is a two edged sword. The EPA can only do what it is funded to do and with the funds they have to work with. Yeah, I know, the funds currently comes via a Republican controlled Congress. But, and not knowing BF4’s background, I will make an odd comment here. The EPA and OSHA have probably caused more ’Outsourcing’ then any other organizations in the country. When they tighten the screws too tight in protecting us, it can seriously hurt productivity. And in doing so, increases the costs of manufacturing. When the cost gets too high, something has to give and if a price increase cannot be tolerated then finding a source for cheaper product must be found. Consider the implications.

Now having said that, both the EPA and OSHA have done great things in providing the oversight and protection of the people of this country. But all in all, not everyone can be protected from everything. Besides, I can remember a time when things were much worse in this country where the environment is concerned. If you wish a pristine environment, try Pluto. Mankind has yet to dump anything on it’s surface yet.

BF4: Corporate scandals have rocked Wall Street, resulting in the implosion of no less than three major US companies, with the resulting loses being felt on Main Street.

CL: I know how to answer this, but shall I? The corporations alluded too did not implode over night. Oh well, does Whitewater have any meaning?

Now for the rest of the story. I have noticed how the Left has taken to using Hollywood’s version of the American Cowboy as their model for GW. Notice I said Hollywood’s version. Historically, a Cowboy is dependable, conservative and given to a Live and Let Live attitude about others. They are slow to anger and take every chance to ease tensions without violence. They believe in working hard for what they get and look upon handouts as an insult. Push one too far and he will hand you your head. And he has no use for anyone expecting someone else to take care of them when they are capable of a days work.

Having made the choice between a rich woman’s Poodle and a Cowboy, I feel much safer today. Nothing more annoying in the world then a yip yapping Poodle that everyone knows will not bite you.

One thread of thought I have heard since the election is from those on the left side of the aisle who consider those from ‘red’ states are too stupid to take care of themselves. Arrogance. Pure and simple. I think it would behoove those in the offended political party to adjust their thinking and consider that maybe, just maybe those of us in ‘red’ states are sick and tired of being talked down too. Tired of picking up the bill so a politician can buy votes with welfare projects that only benefit a select few and not the nation as a whole. Maybe, just maybe we are just tired of it all.

Remember history. The Civil War did not start with the shots fired at Fort Sumter. It started in 1854, seven years earlier when what is now ‘blue’ states were forcing their economic and political will on what is now ‘red’ states. The issue of slavery was but a small part of the over all picture. The cannon fire in 1861 just opened Act II of a war that was already in process.

I stated in my original reply to BlogFrog4’s comments that this was a learning experience. The further I research his comments the more I agree with my initial statements. I had really hoped that BlogFrog4 could have given me something to really sink my teeth into and expanded my horizons. What I got was the Old Party Lines. I am disappointed.

I could continue but this has gone far enough for today.

Happy Trails
Indian Territory
13 November 2004
(revised 14 Nov 04)

Sunday, November 07, 2004


To Like or Dislike....Is Fear A Factor?

Some aspects of politics are harder then others. Often a single person finds themselves at odds with people they call friends. And is this frame of thinking I am reminded of something I heard years ago.

“A friend understands the differences in his friends, where a good friend recognizes the differences and is not ashamed to point out when a friend is wrong.”

Now I have to admit I am ashamed of myself for not speaking my mind once I realized there was something I considered wrong. Remember, the phrase ‘I considered wrong’, cause this is always important in any relationship.

Even after 33 years of marriage I must recognize that there are things in which my bride and I shall never agree upon. But the good thing is that we can discuss those things without fear of bloodshed or sleeping alone. What does this have to do with these and other comments today? Not a thing except to fill some space and hopefully bring a few things into focus.

Now I have never understood why or how people develop intense hate of a candidate for public office. Especially one they have never had physical contact with. Where does those feelings come from? How do they develop into such an intensity, that you would think the candidate had kicked the persons dog or something more sinister.

My Bride and I had discussed this on several occasions, without coming to any specific conclusions worth discussing here. But one thread kept coming up which maybe, just maybe requires some examination.


Yet we cannot seem to understand where the fear comes from. Why a person so fears another they become so intense they refuse to see reason. Or at least cannot see reason. But the reasons for such fears completely alludes me.

Now I am aware just how much can change by the election of a single person, but also understand that things cannot change only by a single person. What we observed during the Clinton Administration was persons taking advantage of Clinton’s political beliefs and playing them for their own gains. We watched some things go from simple to confused. Political Correctness where a single individual could dictate actions over a large portion of this country.

Interesting note: Federal Laws pertaining to the building of Playgrounds with Federal Funds. One law requires specific safety substances around and under playground equipment for the protection of the children utilizing them. Hey, this is actually a great law. Accidents do happen on the playground, especially at swings and such, and a soft place to land can save a child from weeks of painful healing.

Another Federal Law requires that any Federally Funded activity be Handicapped Accessible. This puts it at odds with the Law mentioned above, because the substances specified for safety are such that a wheelchair cannot transverse to the swing or slide it is under and around. So what you have is a Playground with very few if any activities in which both the Handicapped and mobile child can use.

Now I am a firm believer in that every child should be able to enjoy a playground. But I think it is criminal to eliminate a single playground activity cause less then 10 percent of the local usage will be Handicapped. This puts things in a minority rule situation. This means it is possible that 99 kids cannot enjoy activities we did as children cause 1 child has the unfortunate situation of being Handicapped. This is not being Politically Correct, this is being criminally negligent by those we depend on protecting all of us.

Besides, Kids tend to take care of things. And unless the Handicapped child is a real jerk, other kids will find a way for him or her to enjoy the activities they may not be able to get right up next too. Also, let’s figure out what moron determined the wheel chair has to get close enough to a swing so the child can move from it to a swing. Did he also consider what will happen to the wheelchair afterwards? It sure cannot stay next to the swing or the child will find himself damaging it and himself fairly soon after the swing action starts. OH… wait… someone will move it out of the way. Yeah… and why couldn’t that same person carry the child to the swing in the first place?

OK… I’ve beat that about some. Just consider before you fire a shot at me, that I am a Grandparent. I’m not Politically Correct and don’t give me any ammunition to fire back at you.

Now, back to the reason why people hate so much again. Anyone have a thought on it? You do? Great, share it with us here. But consider this, I am not bashful in playing the Devil’s Advocate.

What worried me most about this past week’s election was not so much who won but the actions or reactions of those felt the election was not in their liking.

There are websites popping up all over the place claiming Bush stole this election also. Much in the same manner he was supposed to have stole the first one. Here is a thought. If anyone other then a Bush had been governor of Florida the first time around, then I doubt if the controversy would have been so intense over the outcome. But if you read enough websites you will find much of the same gibberish concerning the outcome of the Ohio results. Also the concern over electronic voting keeps popping up with people claiming Kerry had more votes but the electronic system kept deleting votes for him, thus giving Bush the election.

This goes back to the comments earlier in the year that is was Republicans who owned the companies that made the machines. Does it take into consideration that maybe not all of the employees were Republican? Just how many people do you have to threaten or bribe before you can keep a conspiracy quiet?

Give it a break people. We have watched aides to Congressmen and Senators leak out information for years. This does not discount the people within the various departments of government who has made sure documents best left in their desks get in the hands of the news people. Do you really think if someone sabotaged the election, it would not get out to ABC News?

So what are people so afraid of that they develop such a hatred for a specific person running for public office? Fear that their way of life will change forever? Certainly it will change. Even if their candidate wins, it can change in a manner which they never anticipated. Kind of reminds you of the old saying, “Be careful what your wish for; You may get it”.

Also came up the concept of guilt. A person may feel guilt about their life actions and feels that the public person they hate reminds them they are not the perfect person they would like to be. Ok… I’m keeping things simplistic, but then again, it has been way too many years since I was in my college Psychology and Sociology classes and since they were not in my actual major, hard to remember all the special terms and phrases they love to use to describe a persons or groups actions. I took an “A” in the classes, which was all that was important to me anyway.

What I would like for anyone reading this to do, is to set down and list exactly why the have such strong feelings. No need to list them as a comment to this, but for themselves. I seriously doubt anyone who stumbles on this blog is of the mental state they are not able to rationalize and reason through such feelings.

But here is something I have heard several times and read once or twice that I feel is important to understand. This is the concept of voting against one person instead of voting for the other. Make sense? Let me flesh it out some. A political pollster commented on television that according to his figures only 17% of the Kerry voters were actually voting for Kerry, where as the other 83% were voting against Bush. Now what kind of sense does that make to elect a President based purely on the dislike of one candidate?

I mean I did not trust or like Kerry. I do not believe he was the man for the job, but I voted For Bush not Against Kerry. Now I do not agree with everything Bush believes in nor do I agree with all of his decisions and policies, but I do believe he is the man for the job at this time in our history. But that is just my opinion, which like anal orifices, everyone has one and they mostly stink.

And for those who receive notification of each publication I make, I apologize for not having the comment blanks available for responses. I am still learning this system and shall endeavor to insure the proper box is checked so if you desire to make a response directly to the Blog site you can.

7 November 2004

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