Saturday, August 20, 2005


ID Required??

Posted below are a few websites that you might be interested in reference to what may become an interesting Blog sport. Save your comments until I finish formulating mine. Simpler that way.

Good luck… and enjoy.

20 August 2005
Kellyville, Oklahoma

Well now, have we read everything? Have we formed an opinion? Are you ready for me to amaze and astound you? Well, don’t hold your breath.

Now…….where do I start?

First… does anyone actually think anyone can move across this country anonymously? Credit Card and Bank records will give away all their secrets. IF and notice I said if, someone had the ways and means to obtain access to same.

Now this subject rattles the BB’s in many a noggin, due to how sensitive some are too loosing valuable freedoms, such as freedom of movement. Touchy subject isn’t it?

Gilmore’s situation bothers me on several levels. Let us consider that the airlines have in fact required ID since 1988, after the Lockerbie Disaster. Where has this individual been hiding?

The in 2003 he was removed from a British Airways flight from San Francisco to London, for wearing a pin with the words, “suspected terrorist”. Hold one here folks….. If he was on a plane, didn’t he have to present his ID?

Ok, before anyone jumps up and tries to kick me in the shins, let’s relax and look at this sideways. I didn’t pick this subject, so you get what you didn’t pay for. And considering the price I charge for these excursions through reality, you are getting one hell of a deal.

This all has to do with some secret law concerning the checking of ID’s. Well, will someone enlighten me how I am to comment on a secret law when I cannot find the secret law anywhere cause it just actually might be a secret law and therefore not available to the public cause it is a secret law. (WHEW!)

In doing the research that I have done so far, I find the US Government to be stumbling, bumbling and fumbling the subject to the point that conspiracy folks are having a field day with it. This often happens when no one in authority has any idea what happened where or why it happened at all.

Now this whole thing stinks like an 8 hour dead trout on the creek bank. And it stinks from every direction possible.

But I get this itch on the back of my neck that says Gilmore is not telling us everything that occurred. BUT…. Notice his website. Notice the pictures of him at an airlines counter wearing a coat in what may or may not be the month of July. Sorry, but the small details often tell the whole story. And it could be those pictures were staged at a later date just for his website. Interesting concept, is it not?

Alright, now where was I before I so rudely interrupted myself? Let us condense this a little in the ebbs and flow of time.

1988...Lockerbie, Scotland. Requirement by airlines to show ID.
9/11/2001. No description necessary.
July 2002.… Gilmore denied access to aircraft due to refusal to show ID.
2003.…. Gilmore removed from British Airways Flight for being a jerk.
August 2004.…. Gilmore files suit.
November 2004.…. Presidential Election.
Currently…….. All kinds of news articles concerning this subject and none saying anything.

My own, personal thinking on this subject? Gilmore needs a reality check. Poor techoweenie is rich and no place to play. And timing is everything.

Notice if you will several of the articles so located by Google which shows the TSA slowly being retrograded back into a mere nothing. OK… maybe those are not the right words, but I hope you caught my drifty thoughts.

Now, most folks would never know about this so called Secret Law, if I had not wrote about it. I would not be meagerly aware of it if someone had not sent me the Gilmore website info and ask my opinion.

For those of us that have spent time in service are very much aware of the fact that some things in time and space are in fact most secret and should forever stay that way. Let’s be honest, even those of us charged with protecting such secrets were not made aware of many of them even though we had direct hands on some of them.

It is easy to produce and protect secrets that were in fact meant to be secret and protected by those of us sworn to hold and secure same. It is another thing to make a secret law and have it out for public consumption.

But let me say this as plain as possible. IF and once again I use the conjunction IF, you feel that your ability to traverse this country in privacy, then do what every member of this country has the right to do; Write your Congressman and Senator. Complain like hell, and see what happens.

Oh Wait!!!… if you write them you’ll be placed on a list and ‘they’ will know who you are. Oh, the complexity of it all!!!

I have to agree with one writer. Kafka would have a wonderful time with this situation. Rod Sterling even wrote of such things for the Twilight Zone.


Remember, just because you are paranoid, does not mean someone is not out to get you.

Revised: 22 August 2005
Kellyville, OK
(Kicking back wearing rose colored glasses)

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