Sunday, September 25, 2005


Hide & Watch

The man in the movies once said that how smart you are is often determined by where you are standing at the moment.

If you have trouble understanding that meaning, then hide and watch.

It is the year 2005 and we can receive our news from a Varity of sources. Television, radio, newspapers, the world wide web, and word of mouth. The accuracy value we place upon each is determined not so much where we are physically standing at the moment, but where our political wishes often resides. I will also include religious and fantasy aspects of a persons lifestyle in the mix.

I have enjoyed these ramblings immensely until recently. I would honestly like to think that I have strived to comment broadly across each commentary. But I have found out that I have painted myself into a corner.

My options at this point are few and disgusting.

I have strove most of my life to go down life’s pathways without causing harm to anyone. At least none that did not require harming. But over the past several months I have found my pleasant nature has been taken advantage of in ways that really requires words or actions. In one situation, one of my oldest friends has taken to using a very old nickname that I sorely despise. And once asked not to use it, he gleefully continued knowing that I hated that name and I would refrain from ripping his head off and using his head for a chamber pot. He took advantage of my good nature.

I took advantage of never entering his business again and denying him the access to any of my money. And a couple weeks ago, when we bumped into each other at another local business, he commented on how he had not seen me for awhile, and in my best winning smile agreed that we had not. End of discussion. I asked, he refused, I now ignore.

Another situation was somewhat same while different.

Every morning for the past 10 years I have stopped, procured a sausage/biscuit for breakfast and whatever else I needed for the day at our local convenience store. I am a firm believer in keeping you money close to home. Note that the first subject also had a business close to home.
Anyhoo, early every morning a group of elderly gentlemen meet and have coffee at this store. All were known to my father and several considered themselves his friend. And to make this story short, after a verbal exchange between myself and the son of one of my father’s friends, I determined that my money could be spent elsewhere.

You have to understand that in both cases, I politely asked not to be referred to in a specific manner. In both cases my good nature was taken advantage of for the pleasure of another. I consider such actions that of bullies and have no use for such.

My Father once told me that it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight. Any two idiots can bruise their knuckles. So I walked away from two businesses. And as odd as it may sound, even with all those older gentlemen drinking coffee all morning, I would on the average spend more then they all would. They drank two or three pots of coffee and only paid for a single cup each. Typical small town situation.

By now you are asking yourselves what I have on my mind. Did you miss it? Let me have another go at it then.

I have often wondered what I have done in life that gives folks the idea that due to long knowledge of each other, they can take advantage of my good nature without feeling the consequence of their actions.

Well, as I said above, I have painted myself into a corner. At the very first on these Commentaries, I said I really didn’t care what comments was given in feedback. Yell all you want and I was going to ignore it. But I have found myself responding to such with much pain because of my beliefs in everyone has a right to their say. I also again remind folks that with said vocalization comes responsibility.

OH…OH….OH Yeah!!…. That reminds me of something. Shit Does Not Happen!! Shit happens because someone is either too stupid or too lazy to pay attention and creates a situation they try to pass off the responsibility for. Granted I have heard honorable people use that phrase to others as a manner in letting them gently down instead of telling it like it is. I am certain I have used the phrase myself. But when you observe what you might consider intelligent people do some really dumb things and then pass off the consequences as “Shit Happens”, you begin to worry about their situation in life. Are these folks the chlorine would have cleared from the gene pool?

Hurricane Katrina and now Rita brings back my Commentary on Survival. Granted, with a Hurricane the best method of survival is to motivate out of harms way. Other creatures of harm are not as easy to avoid.

The casual reader of this Blog take note. If you are figuring on the Local, State and/or Federal Government to take care of you after a Nature or even Man made Disaster, don’t hold your breath. They might provide a temporary band aide to the situation, but only you can insure that any major care is available. And don’t show up at my doorstep expecting me to share my meager supplies. I may consider providing shelter, but I will not risk taking away from my Grandchildren that which they might need to survive.

So, to recap, life is but a temporary situation and do not expect to get out of it alive. And consider this, the 5th Avenue advertising idiot that came up with the slogan, “Second Place is First Loser” has probably never been shot at.

To end this mess I shall say this. I write in a broad manner with my words directed at a very large group of people. It is rare that I shall direct any specific Blog or even segment at a specific person. If anyone feels I am picking on them, check your paranoia at the door. As far as my own childlike whining, hey, it’s my Blog, I’ll whine if I want too.

I know there is more to be said but I’m going to pass on it this week.

Life’s too short to live it in fear. Please try to keep your paranoia to yourself. I survived mine, and live a much more pleasant life.

25 Sept 2005
Kellyville, OK

Saturday, September 24, 2005


In Reminiscent

I can vaguely remember having a passion for things in life. Do not mistake that statement for my having lost the passion for life itself, for I still have and do enjoy it daily. Aches and pains included.

That which I am referring to was the passion to hate. I use to hate green peas. Not anymore, especially if in a nice Beef Fried Rice. Is it not interesting how your aspect on things in life change with age? As for myself, I have found that I no longer have the spare energy to use to feed radical emotions. I find it is easier on the system to just ignore or at least tolerate some things in life.

There are many factors which form the basis for radical emotions. Fear, jealously, and guilt are just the tip of the emotional iceberg. But what is truly amazing is the lengths people will often travel to deny the reasons for many of their emotions. And then you have those who overlay their faults and fears onto another person as if others have the same problems they have.

Just because a person wants or fears specific things does not mean someone else in a like situation has the same emotions. Even those within the same family group.

So, am I ranting or am I trying to make a point without being specific. Let us try this out for size. I have written before about the risk involved in discussing Politics and/or Religion even with the closest friends. You stand the chance of alienating someone with your differences of opinion. Usually this occurs once a positions boundaries are founded and one of the participants insists they continue to expound, even through hints, on their position as if it is Holy Writ.

Now let me back away from this line of thought and sidestep back towards the original concept of this dialogue. To even hint at making the claim that I have not felt passion towards an idea would be hypocritical of me to say the least. Those who have had the misfortune to see me rage against a situation might even construe said acts on my part as being a guideline towards other such like situations. But my rage is and has always been focused at specific situations, never at the broad scheme of things.

I ask now, for my own edification, what drives such hatred for an idea or person. What drives such hatred to the point that regardless of the circumstance, regardless of the evidence to the contrary, regardless of how weak their position, an individual or group will hold onto their hatred.

By now I imagine several people are scratching their heads wondering where this is heading. In reality, it has already hit and continued on right on pass into that realm of reality once known as the Twilight Zone.

The events of the past couple weeks has folks all over the world pointing fingers and demanding blame be nailed upon individuals that they perceive to be evil. Or at least in office at the present time. So, no matter what information is published which contradicts their beliefs, some folks will completely ignore it and feed their hatred empty calories.

The only conspiracy theory I have not seen yet, is one which states Hurricane Katrina was conceived, controlled and used by certain people in the Administration in order to give Halliburton multimillion dollar contracts. But if we wait long enough, someone will develop this theory and use it to try and convince the world of the evil which resides in our government.

My bride says it is not that I have a relaxed attitude on many aspects of life. She claims I have a GAS attitude. You know, it is something like a GAF attitude, except I just do not give a shit. I cannot justify the expenditure of emotions without a solid base to rest them upon. Hell, I have no feelings what so ever about my former son in law that stole from me. I just no longer care.

Emotions such as hatred requires a source to fuel it. Once removed, what is there left? A warm, fuzzy feeling of victory? Then what? And what of the situations where the focus of hatred just fades from our vision. In January 2009, who will become the focus of so much hatred. Will there be that warm fuzzy feeling inside then?

And before I forget, I must remind folks those emotions which fuel your life will eventually consume the vessel it resides in. Then all you have left is an empty shell, a burnt out husk. You know what I am talking about, that grouchy, old individual who growls at the simplest things. The person who is sour on life and does all they can to insure everyone around them suffers.

I ceased with the activity of watching the Evening News when it became apparent that they would never allow the truth to get in the way of a damn good story. It is almost comical when someone, whom you would think knows better, begins to rant, whine or otherwise gripe about something which was reported on the news, and when you remind that individual that the news drones are bigoted towards that specific subject, so no need to get upset, they respond with an acknowledgement of same, then precedes to rant even more.

This next part may be hard for some folks to digest and I make no apologizes in advance.

I really do not care about the events leading up too, during and still occurring along the Gulf Coast. I feel a marginal sadness for children who lost their lives or is suffering due to the stupidity of their parents in not getting out of harms way. I feel a bit of anger at the loss of those aged individuals who were trusted into the care of others, and were abandoned too their own fate. I cannot do more then hope the legal system will deal with those responsible in due time.

Oh, I can visualize some folks priming on that last sentence. Forget it.

When I was asked to comment on how I felt Bush had or was responding to the events created by Hurricane Katrina, I was under the mistaken delusion that maybe the requesting individual wanted me to explain the procedures for getting help into an area in dire straits. I feel I was used to provide a platform to spout hate and discontent. I shall be more watchful from now on how or if I respond to such requests.

In using this space while my mind formulates further diatribe, I will expound some more on the previous Blog posted here.

There are, by law, specific requirements which must be met by not only the Federal Government, but by all parties involved, before a single Federal Dollar can be spent in relief. And don’t forget, it costs money to send even the dog catcher out to assist. So what we have here is a breakdown in the system to process requests and get help moving in the right direction.

In Reminiscent, we are seeing the death throes of LBJ’s Great Society, where the government takes care of all needs. And the wailing heard across the land about how the country has failed the people of New Orleans is the lament of those who supported the Great Society. The lament is due to the realization the world now knows how flimsy a foundation such a society truly is built upon. But that realization has been known for generations, except, there are those who would rather be supported then support themselves.

So, I set here in front of this keyboard, pondering the events of the past week and knowing that this will have little effect on reality. Actually, my reality is intact, I shall not speak for others.

We have learned through various sources that much of what was reported at the beginning was in error. We have learned that local authorities bare the burden of most of what happened. We have learned that in many way, the situation in New Orleans is in fact the failure of a grand plan for society.

I cannot find the words to express my feeling at this point in writing this specific article. Wait, my bride has that description already. GAS!!!

For the most part I have tried to expound of different aspects of life from a truly warped viewpoint. I had fun with all of the commentaries I have written, except this one. The idea was to get folks to think, reflect or otherwise consider life from a viewpoint other then those given to us by the talking heads of the evening news. It was also my intention for each of us to consider how we have all became reliant upon technology and services.

It is interesting how the hatred of one for another can effect the enjoyment of still another.

And it is interesting how I allowed myself to be taken advantaged of. I should have known better.

It is interesting that I am done here.

11 Sept 2005
Outside the Asylum
(Delayed in Publishing By Review)

Sunday, September 04, 2005


A Girl Named Katrina

My first true puppy love in school was with a Girl named Katrina. Serious folks. I can still see her in my mind’s eye as the willowy, blond haired, blue eyed, lovely that stole my heart. Sadly, an upper classman stole her from my imagination and took her away for his very own.

OK. So much for a walk down memory lane.

For those that want to know what brought this on, read the comments to ID Required. I was minding my own business, ignoring the world around me and look what happens. Well Anon, you get what you pay for, when I can figure out where to send the bill.

The question is pointed: What do you think of the way Bushy handled the Katrina thingy…..

From what I have seen, he has handled it one hell of a lot better the Mayor of New Orleans or even the Governor of Louisiana. I shall for the sake of argument, encapsulate the past Mayors and Governors all the way back to Hurricane Camille.

Let me take a side trip for a minute or twelve. For those peoples that think everything happens just as a Hollywood screenwriter writes it, get freaking real folks!

The U.S. Navy once had a wonderful little school at Port Hueneme, California. Which just so happens to be the home of the Navy’s SeaBee’s. The school taught a great course, of which I am a graduate of, called, Disaster Recovery. The school was set up to teach those basic concepts of recovering from a major disaster, either manmade or natural. It taught what was going to be needed to recover an area back to a viable community after mankind or Mother Nature threw a temper tantrum and really messed up a major city.

I know, that statement above is somewhat simplistic, but I do try to keep things that way. Mostly for my own sake. Keeps me from looking up those big words in the Thesaurus.

One feature of Recovery is so simple, most forget that it exists. It was designed to maintain sovereignty of the local governments. It is simply, request what you need.

Did you get that? Request what you need. Shall I describe how it works? Come on folks…. I need some encouragement here!! Ok… better.

Just remember that what follows was developed during the Cold War and devised, revised and otherwise twisted into a useable form by the Civil Defense. Most of this was later transferred to Emergency Management types for the cities, communities which maintained such activities.

So, here we begin.

During an Event, information comes into the Emergency Management Office (EMO) concerning what is needed at a specific location and how soon they need it. (Side Note: I’m using EMO simply cause it works for me. Each city/community has their own name/term, and hopefully you get the drift.)

So, the Liaison desk gets the request from the field. They pass it on to the appropriate coordinator for action. Such as, two (2) dump trucks full of sand/dirt for sandbags needed at 5th and Willow. That request goes to the appropriate desk and not to the Fire Chief. The Liaison collects said requests and notates assets on hand then hands these on to the Mayor who determines who gets what of his limited resources.

Hopefully the Mayor is being properly advised by whatever expert he has in his EMO. Notice I said Hopefully.

OK, so the Mayor finds out he does not have the assets he needs to fulfill requirements. He then has the ability to call on the EMO directly senior to his. Now where I pretend to live, that would be the County EMO. I would like to think that Louisiana has Parrish EMO’s to assist in emergencies.

But as it often the cause in major metropolitan areas, the city and county EMO is consolidated for ease and speed of operation.

If that is the case, next call is too the Governor. And to make this a bit shorter, next would be the President.

Now, here is the real trick. Mayor to Governor……We Need Help! Governor to President…We Need Help! President to Governor… What do you need? Simple sounding situation is it not? And in a real sense it is that simple. But from what I am seeing, everyone is yelling for help and not saying what they actually need. Kind of like going to the store, grabbing a clerk and telling them you need help finding something which you have no idea what it is you came for in the first place.

The President can start many wheels moving simply through his saying so. But, in order to insure that a disaster area receives what it needs, instead of clogged up with basically useless people and equipment, someone needs to tell him exactly what they need him to send them.
Did you get that? Do I need to repeat that? Didn’t think so.

If you need bulldozers to clear debris, you certainly do not ask for a Light Infantry Battalion. You ask for Engineers. And be sure you mention Heavy Construction Engineers, or at least mention the bulldozers.

At this point, the President turns to his advisers and says, call the Chief Engineer of the Army and have him find out how many bulldozers he has available and what it’s going to take to get them into West Slobovia to asset in clean-up. At which point, hopefully someone will actually contact the West Slobovia EMO to find out how many bulldozers they actually need and from which direction it would be best for them to enter the disaster area.

Ok… am I boring anyone here? Toughski Shitski as they use to say in Siberia. This is how things works.

Everything takes time. As difficult as the folks on the ground, in the middle of the target, find the situation, nothing is going to happen according to the sweep of the second hand. And it sure will not happen in Scene 3, Act 2 according to the script in the award winning disaster movie that was on TV last week.

Now for me to double back upon what I bypassed above concerning the noise I was hearing on CNN and other places, just let me say, all I heard was whining by elected officials. Let me hedge this with the knowledge that it is Highly Possible, that no one watching the news of TV received what was actually happening, but what our wonderfully even tempered networks wanted us to see or hear.

So, where does this leave me and this Blog? Almost where I started from. Back at the top or near the top of this article.

Ever since Camille, scientists have examined and studied the possibility of that what has happened to New Orleans was going to happen. Scientists in both the private and government business have known for years that New Orleans was going to flood if a certain set of circumstances occurred. All that was needed was a Category 4 Hurricane which partly strikes Lake Pontchartrain in such a manner that’s the hurricane’s counter-clockwise winds would push the lake waters into and over the levee’s separating New Orleans from the lake.

Hey, this information has been public for years. The Discovery Channel has ran a documentary several times over the past few years concerning this very subject. So, if I am aware of such a problem, I have to consider that the Government of Louisiana and the City Father’s of New Orleans have also known of the possibilities.

And I shall make a statement here, as blind in concept as some of the crap I’ve seen on television lately, is that it is in my mind, criminal that any government should have knowledge of a pending disaster and not do anything to prevent it.

There is much more I could say on this subject, but not here, not today, not tomorrow.
In my humble opinion, based on what I know from a biased network news program, and reinforced by my earlier training as a Marine, I see nothing wrong with President Bush’s actions or supposed lack of action. He can only act on or react too situations based upon the information and requests he gets from the scene.

You will also notice I have ignored some of the nastier references that have surfaced since this emergency has occurred. Mostly cause I intend to stay above those which would drag this country back into the 1920’s.

And as far as getting assets into a disaster area between commercials. Get real folks. Unless you have experienced it, you have no idea what it takes to move even a squad of troops from their base to a location anywhere on this planet. Even movement within the same country requires time and planning. Scotty just can’t beam them up then down into position where they are needed.

How easy it is to criticize when a person has nothing to risk. As some music and Hollywood types love to do.

Hell, stick a fork in me…I’m done here.

It’s Sunday, it’s raining and I am setting here in my BVD’s. Scary visual isn’t it!!!

4 September 2005
Indian Territory

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