Friday, December 30, 2005


Just Suppose..........

….red was white.

….left was down.

….water was dry.

….and beer was a pill you took for baldness

Mix, gently stir, serve on ice through an string tied to your ear.

Just suppose while you were out….. You were in.

Suppose They Gave A War And Nobody Came? (1970) Pretty good movie. If you’ve never seen it, might I suggest you do. It was remade with James Garner and called “Tank”. I prefer the original with Brian Keith and Tony Curtis.

Just suppose we set here for awhile and let our brains ferment a bit.

OK, time’s up.

Just suppose in reality, our universe is nothing more then a pus-pocket under the big toe of a creature whose reality of space and time is so different then ours that this infection has not yet registered upon his mental capacity even if in ours we recognize our history as over millions of years gone. Man, when he does start to feel the infection and treats the toe with antibiotics, we are going to be in a world of hurt.

Just suppose Janet Reno is the example of beauty and Sophia Loren was a poster child for ugly.

Just suppose you understand what I have been saying all these many insertions into mental space.

Just suppose that at the end of 2005, each and everyone have a safe, and pleasant journey into 2006.

Just suppose I end here before we all have a brain fart and smoke exits our ears.

And just suppose I get back to some really shallow commentaries during the next year.

Happy New Year to all who reads this jibberish.

29 Dec 2005
Never, Never Land

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Say What......!!!!!!!!!

Who is the most important person within an Infantry Rifle Platoon?

Think you know the answer? Maybe you do, then again, maybe your only think you do.

Now I have written before on Survivability . Actually, only touched on it in places. As we have recently seen, major cities are in reality a disaster waiting to happen. Interrupt the ebb and flow of social services and watch as society collapses under it’s own stench.

What we have here is a part of society based on the charity of the government and others. What we have here is a portion of the population who either cannot or will not make an attempt to fend for themselves in any manner except with their hand out.

Damn, did I say that?

A major religion within this country recommends that each of their member families stock a years worth of edibles at all times in preparation for the end times. Not a bad idea if you have the funds and space available. But will a years supplies be enough?

Food for thought: Senior Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wrote in 1841: ". . . it was the ultimate right of all human beings in extreme cases to resist oppression, and to apply force against ruinous injustice." Just consider how broadly that can be expounded upon and used against those which would take liberty from those that desire it.

Knowledge. Knowledge. Intelligence. Knowledge. Never accept intelligence summaries as written in granite. Approach them as if etched in wet clay with a thunderstorm on the horizon. Never assume the person feeding you the facts actually knows the difference between fact and fantasy.

You can believe whatever you want. You can have faith in whatever you want. But if you are going to bet your freedom or even your life on something, you had better be sure of your facts. Know that it is right, do not believe it is right. Many things in today’s world are taken in faith. How sad most have proven to be myths and legends with no more substance then smoke on the breeze.

Hitler butchered those who had the knowledge and ability to have made Germany the most powerful nation in Europe for generations. He and his cronies knew they were right. So does the Klan.

Survivability is more then how many pints of green beans you have canned and stocked away.

Survivability is more then how many rounds of ammunition you have stashed away for your CEMTE.

Survivability is more then the sum of its individual components.

Amazing how I can say so much and not say nothing at all. But then again, is it possible I said more then I have placed here?

The Great Library of Alexandria was destroyed by religious fanatics knowing they were right in their actions. They destroyed much of the knowledge of the time. The only information which survived from that age of man was copies in other libraries around the Mediterranean. But the best and finest of the works of math and science of the time was lost because fanatics knew they were right in their actions.

Ten centuries later other religious fanatics repressed the growth of scientific growth and kept Europe in the Dark Ages for over 300 years. Just try to imagine where we could be today in terms of science and medicine if those fanatics had not forced their beliefs on others. But they feared knowledge which did not agree with their beliefs. Beliefs over knowledge. Myths over fact.

Hell, I could be writing this from Mars if we had not lost over 300 years of scientific advancement. Then again, maybe I am writing from Mars, although there are those who claim I be writing from Uranus. Or some ones Uranus. Maybe my own.

Do you have any ideal how hard it is to type with a fingertip sliced open? Can we all spell Ouch? Ok, all together now, Poor Baby. Enough already, back to the action.

Alright already. The odds of this country reverting into a Third World Country is not computable at this time, but from some of the email I have received, this country is being destroyed. Torn asunder by those in governmental office. Typical bullshit without any substance, but I must presume this combination of fear and hatred keeps some folks warm at night.

Just consider how far we would have to be beaten back before we come to rest in the conditions and situations which were portrayed in The Postman. This would be the most extreme of survival situations. And the folks that shall have the highest rate and level of survival are those with the ability to overlook race, religion and even sexual differences. Knowledge and ability does not exclude themselves by skin color. Or by which god you might pray to this week.

Figure out yet who is the most important person in a rifle platoon?

It’s the ragged assed private in the rear ranks with a rusty rifle. Can you tell me why?

Moving back up a couple paragraphs, we made comments about this country being torn apart. Granted, we all see things changing from what we was raised with. In reality, people resist change. As I have mumbled about in my Technology commentaries, we keep getting hearing how much better life will be with more technology. We are being besieged with talking heads informing us that all we need is to use their employers technology, then the big chested cheerleader that would never give us the time of day while in high school, will fall all over us. Certainly she’ll fall all over us, she’s had implants and her boobs are so large she can’t walk without support to prevent her from falling over.

I cannot express how much we, as a people, have lost because of technology. We have lost, if not loosing, the ability to do for ourselves. We are being besieged from the Political Left with governmental programs designed to care for those without the ability to care for themselves, but do have the flaws or gaps in the programs to allow healthy people to take part in said programs at the expense of the rest of the country. Yearly these programs expand, taking in more people who in reality think they are getting something for nothing.

Then you have the Corporate world vying for our spending dollars. They want us to buy their leisure devices which will make our life so easy and therefore putting ourselves into custody of their devices to do that which we will soon forget how to do for ourselves.

And this is where survivability comes into play. With Mother Nature being a bigger bitch then normal and the possibility that major services could be cut off our largest cities for an indefinite time, then we are faced with a distinct possibility that first, the honest folks will escape from their plight, followed by the unsavory portion of society. Both will put a strain on the ability of the rural population to support them. Harsh decisions will have to be made by all involved. Life and even death decisions. These are not taught in school or church, but through the harshness of life itself.

The ragged assed private is the most important part of the platoon because he is the weakest link in the platoon. How long it takes to bring him up to speed and polish depends on the abilities and dedication of the NCO’s within his chain of command. He can in fact cause the complete and total ruination of the platoon with his actions or inactions at any given moment.

Such is life. Such is Survival. Such is this rash in my crotch.

I’m going to go fix pancakes for breakfast.

Merry Christmas
25 Dec 2005
In the Den, with the Idea that I might be normal after all.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Name That Tune.......

The song goes; “Brush up your Shakespeare……”

Might I suggest all of you do the same, If so, then all of what has came before, might, and I use the term loosely, might, make sense.

And what might come afterwards could scare the be jibbers out of ya………….

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Once More Over The Line.......

Well, here I go again. Once more writing in the darkness of my own mind. Are you scared yet?

You know the comment about stepping over the line. Each situation has it’s own line to be crossed and in certain situations….WOW!!!…. That was fun!!!!

I am very much aware that I seem to talk in circles and some folks think I am unhinged.

Actually I am totally unhinged and if you are having trouble understand abstract concepts, then is it possible I am normal and you are thoroughly screwed up? Since I am biased and not qualified to make this determination, you are just going to have to live with the possibilities that you are normal and I am holding a four way conversation with the voices in my head.

NOW. Just for the sake of argument, we shall touch on several things previously touched on but not taken to depth as they shall not be in this either. Remember, never put in writing anything you cannot defend in court.

Firstly, be damn certain of those you trust. I know folks I could trust with my money, my wife and my life. But I’d damn sure can not trust them to keep a secret. Also they would give me up to boost their own value as long as they feel my health is not at risk. They may even convince themselves that in doing so is protecting me from more evil elements in society. I am certain everyone knows folks like this.

Secondly, How is it we got so wrapped up on a concept that is based upon an idea over 200 years old? Massachusetts still has a law on the books that reads: All men must carry a rifle to church on Sundays. This was in case of Indian attack.

Even though we must remember that at one time during the framing of the Constitution, members of the Committee suggested the restriction of firearms to the populace. This was overruled and thus we have the Second Amendment. Remember, the right to bears arms was not the only reason we kicked the Brits out of this country. Even though many on the far reach would just love for everyone to believe it so.

Nextly, we must remember that the Government does not know everything. If you put a handgun on your hip in Nebraska and drive to Utah, granted you may have violated several state if not federal laws, BUT to worry about what Utah may do is either too late or inviting an ulcer. The only way any governmental agency might be aware of you dong anything illegal is if you tell them or one of your friends as noted above informs on you. I am truly amazed at those that still believe government agencies are all seeing and powerful. You gots too love gullible folks.

OK…. I have been running off at the keyboard for along time about the rights and fanatics. Or is that fanatical rights?

Anyway, I want everyone to consider that our founding fathers gave us two (2) rights they felt was basic to freedom of their time. The Right of Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms, which loosely translates into the ability to defend the right of free speech. With one we can insure the other is available to freely communicate what we believe to be the evils of the government being set upon us.

Please note here, that one of the key aspects of the liberal position is their right of free speech……..until what you say is not only opposite of their position, but is very stable and defendable from their attacks. And at times it is hard to distinguish between left from right based on the language of rights. Sometimes it is possible for both sides to support the same issue for different reasons and the language used sets them apart.

Bigots. Ya gots to love them. Certainly you do cause we are all bigots in one form or another. I hate bigots , therefore I’m a bigot against bigots. But he who follows a bigot into a greater way, is following a fool into dire straits. Don’t believe me? Ask the German soldiers that died on the frozen outskirts of Stalingrad. Superior race my rosy red ass.

And to the folks that claim they will not repeat the mistakes in their quest for purity that others made is making the same mistake. Thinking theirs is the superior intellect.

Oh…..and its not like I’m not putting myself above others? I really hope not. All I’m trying to do is put things in order based upon my prospective of the situation.

Have you noticed that when a bigot, even the smallest one, enters a hunting/shooting chat room, they assume everyone in the room is a WASP. It’s as if it is only the good old white boy that hunts and shoots. This is part of that superior intellect I mentioned above. Shows you how well they understand Sun Tzu or the concepts of Yu Chi Chan. And no, Sun Tzu did not write the Yu Chi Chan. Even the basics are important, and those are being ignored.

Oh hell, I’m going to stop here. For no other reason then I am tired of this entry.

18 Dec 05
From the Den

Saturday, December 10, 2005



I am aware that I can be naïve at times. This usually occurs when choosing my friends. I also have this rosy outlook towards humanity.

Seems as I get older, disappointment comes along much more often then in my youth. And yet, I prefer to think life is better then the doomsayers rant about.

Fanatics. You’ll find them everywhere in every type of activity on earth. You cannot negotiate with them. You cannot even begin to satisfy them. You can try to ignore them. But in all honesty, you’d be better off putting a bullet into their brain and release some of the pressure they are under.

Now I do not advocate violent behavior in any way, shape or form. The bullet comment is just my way of stating how useless it is to argue with them.

Regardless of how well you formulate your argument against their paranoid tendencies, they will twist in the wind so they can find a new, stronger point in which to base their fears upon. Did I say fears? Certainly fear is what drives them, even if they totally deny it. But try as you might, you will never pin them down on what really scares them to the point of fanatical behavior.

Often they will counter with the concept of trying to help you improve your own position by giving you a concept to focus on or argue against. This allows them the reason for holding onto such nonsense while denying they have a fixation on it. This also shows a lack of commitment to their own phobias. Follow me so far? Pathetic, isn’t it.

Now what has this to do with the price of Hawaiian shirts at Point Barrow, Alaska? Actually I have no idea. You figure it out, as I have other fish to tattoo.

I usually write these diatribes in a single setting. Often taking as much as an hour to write one. This piece of literary nonsense was started over a month ago, but the gist of the commentary was still just off the tips of my fingers. During this lean period I have replaced my loaned copy of Yu Chi Chan, which I might add has been loaned now since 1973. It is much easier to read this time around.

Anywho, anyway, and anyhow, we shall labor forth. Or Fifth. Or Sixth. Etc.

Interesting on this anniversary of the murder of John Lennon that the Liberals in Canada are campaigning to eliminate all handguns due to 48 out of 70 drug related killings in Toronto tied to handguns, which in all likelihood were illegally obtained in the first place.

When you study the conceptual output by these folks, you will notice several linked items. They admit they are trying to change the habitual if not social outlook of people who own handguns in order to reduce handgun killings. Excuse me? Druggies will enjoy this idea in that it will probably make them seem safer in their chemical haze. And just ignore they made this announcement at a UN Conference.

Now for the fanatics on the other side of the coin, take a deep breath, got to the bathroom, wash your face, chill out. Save your energies for the really exciting moments to come.

Here are just one of those moments I remember from years past.

“I won’t write my congressman cause then they will have my name as a gun owner.” Note: This individual was wearing an NRA Life Member cap.

I really get a kick out of those hardcore types that have no problem throwing slogans at a problem in an attempt to scare the antis into cowering in a corner. When in all reality, they are giving them reason and validity to work harder to pass more laws restricting firearms. Never try to scare a scared person, it will backlash on you in a major way. Sometimes they even get laws passed.
I could carry this out much farther, even get specific about certain items or activities, but my name is not
Michaleen Oge Flynn and the night is not blustery nor stormy.

The clock is running. Question is, what is the purpose of the race.

And what is Article 32, Book 2 of Sun Tzu’s treaties on the Art of War.

As Robert Heinlein wrote in Starship Troopers; “there are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous men…”

Damn, now I’m throwing slogans and such about. Does that make me a fanatic also? Does this mean I have gone over the edge? Does this mean I won’t get laid tonight?

Does this mean what I think it means if everyone understands what it is I am meaning to say when I wrote this about what it was I was talking about when I was saying something totally different at the moment of hearing what I was not saying when I said it while speaking upon a passage of thought requirements deemed necessary to recover and reply to what it was I started to say when I began this diatribe.

Stick a fork in me……. I be done.

9 Dec 2005
Inside the Asylum.

P.S. Can anyone explain why Doctor Who wore celery on his lapel instead of a flower? Just one of those intellectual thoughts that never passes through my cranium.

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