Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Improbability Factors

I was presented with a task of analyzing an Encarta item and responding on it. When queried why such an inquiry was being needed, I received an even more ambiguous reply then the inital request was worded.

Now there was a comment about the author of the article being somewhat Liberal and what was my take on the article itself. Lets break this down into two separate items in the order I just mentioned.

Item 1: Certainly the author is liberal. He is Professor of History at Oxford Brookes University. Which I might add is located on Gipsy Lane, Oxford, England.

Item 2: It is an interesting article which does try to maintain a historical outlook and a matter of fact analysis of the information. He does try to maintain a moderate approach to the subject at hand. But this is just my opinion.

NOW…………….I could make a case for the author being a right winger, just as easily as I could make one for being left wing. The reader needs to remember that no person on this planet lives in a vacuum, and will find their beliefs seeping into whatever they are working on at the moment in time. Change the moment in time and the end results will shift ever so slightly with the tidal forces in effect at the moment.

Left becomes right, up becomes down. Didn’t I tackle this situation already?

I find the timing of this request interesting considering specific events that have taken place within my real time life. Is it Karma or just my bad luck? But considering I have lead a charmed life up until now, anything is possible or maybe Improbable.

So, if the requesting party is not satisfied with the results of my research, might I suggest they be more specific in their requests. If this person is wanting a specific response, give it up, I will not be lead by the nose. Which also brings me to the prospect that I was being lead by the nose from the get go.

If any of the above comments do not apply to any individual on the Gaia, then since Pangea has long since moved into geological history, let us also move onto other aspects of life, liberty and the pursuit of long, legged women who has inherited a liquor store.

29 Mar 2006
Creek County, Oklahoma

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Politically Defused??

Now here is a subject that everyone talks about and in reality, no three people can agree on. I have been set to task, by a reader, on a subject that I have not given any thought too since High School Political Science class. So, here is what is already part of my recorded rantings so that the new readers can be as confused as my old readers are and then we shall all be confused equally.


I was not going to enter into this so soon, but since I received an e-mail chastising my choice of political affiliation, this seems as good a time as any. Now I know I said not to be specific about subject matter for one of these little comments on life, but what the hell, I do believe I can answer his obscene comments without venturing too far from what I had already in mind for this subject. Oh yes, I was considering it all along. Why else would I include it in the opening commentary introducing this string of misbegotten, misshapened nonsense.

The e-mail also opened a couple other aspects of daily life which I shall wander back too another time as I see fit.

Now. May I introduce you folks to Oklahoma Political Science 101. I know this may extend the thinking on some folks, but no worries. Science will one day find a cure for Headis Uphis Buttkus.

Oklahoma, like many Southern states is prominently Democrat. But how can that be?? The Democrats wish too take our guns away!!!. Relax kids. Ours carry guns also. Besides, there is such more to be worried about then just our guns.

Then you have other facts to consider here. In 1978, there were only 6 registered Republicans in the precinct where I reside. Six verses just over four thousand Democrats. Currently that figure is something like a 60/40 split. Things do change ya know.

There is also the historical fact that generally speaking, Southern Democrats are Conservatives, not liberals. But Wait, you say!!!! What about the Billary's and Gore??? They are from the South!!!!!! Hey, don't get your panty hose in a wad here. Firstly I said 'generally speaking'. Secondly if you will think on it, you will remember that each of these individuals was educated in a Northern, Liberal University. If you need anymore data to fill in the blanks beyond that, forget it. I have other bones to pick here at the moment.

The Democratic Party is the Party of the Working Man. So goes the slogan. Man, what a load of foul smelling, bovine waste material. But hey dude, the Unions support Democratic Candidates all the time!!!! Yeah, and can we say Carter, Clinton, Gore?????

So we have the Democrats telling us how they are helping the poor working man in his battles against the evil factory owner who sets in his luxury home while we live in squallier. <> Can we spell Kennedy or Feinstien?? Just where the hell did their money come from. In fact, where does it still come from?? Well hell dude, investments!! Like hey man, so they invest in the same companies that they are protecting us from??

And all the time we are setting here, considering why I'm a Democrat. Kalifornia Welfare keeps paying out more in benefits to such a broad spectrum of clients that they have basically gone bankrupt, paying benefits that is greater then the income of many blue collar workers in other states, too include Kalifornia. Oh, have you noticed that Kalifornia is a hardcore Union, Democratic state??

Shall we discuss the aspects of LBJ's Great Society? Another Democrat with grand ideas. Ideas which is paid from the sweat of the very folks they claim to represent and protect.

Why am I a Democrat? It's all smoke and mirrors dude. Haven't you figured that out yet? Do I donate to the Democratic Party. Not in this lifetime!!! But interesting note here. Pay Union Dues and Support Al Gore.

Ok. Where has this headed. No where. Why?? Because it's really nobodies business how I vote. Besides, where is it written that I have to vote the Party Ticket??

And the idiot Democrats still cannot figure out how they can have a majority in voter
registration and still lose an election. Some days it's like betting two deuces against an Ace, King, Queen showing on the table.

Have you figured it out yet? I do hope so. And as far as Oklahoma Political Science 101 is concerned. It's no different then any place else, except we usually know the crook we are electing instead of one that may steal more then the last politician in office.

11 Sept 2003
Kellyville, OK

Politics Part 1

We all play politics in one form or another. It is just a fact of life. How we play the game often shows in how we succeed in life. No one in immune and no one can survive without becoming involved. If anyone has a problem understanding what I just said, no worries. You will graduate kindergarten soon.

Politicians. Often we base our political choice on the type of politics our elected officials play. Liberals, Moderates, Conservatives. It seems that over the past decade there are only two choices: Left Wing Liberal and Right Wing Conservatives. Nope. Those are just the ones that get all the press.

Note: Ed Asner of Lou Grant fame recently stated that he fully believes in the Communist format. That makes him so far to the Left he fell off the map.

Interesting thing about most of the Left Wing Liberals you hear about in the news. None of them are poor and down trodden. They spout slogans about helping the poor and down trodden and yet, notice the pause here folks, it has came to public knowledge they give less to charity then the evil Conservatives do.

But where do they get their money from? Manna from heaven? Nope, from the same folks they claim are sorely against the working man improving himself.

How can a person work so hard to gain riches then shoot off their mouth about the wealthy in this country?

Note: Weatherman Faction of the Students for a Democratic Society. Remember these folks? I once had physical contact with them as a Marine MP. Interesting aspect of this group is they came from a privileged class. Wealthy. They went forth and fought the battle for the underprivileged. Blowing up College Research facilities, blowing up Draft Boards, and being a real royal pain in the ass. Terrorists. Terrorists with Fat Daddy's Credit Cards in their pocket. Politics. 1960's style.

Moderates: Well, these folks swing both ways when need be. And to be honest. This is a good thing. These folks are just trying to keep the train on the track and on time.

Conservatives. Well, it depends on where you are at in the midst of all this to determine which flavor of conservative you may be. But this also holds true for Liberals and Moderates.

Myself?? Well, I like to say that I am a Liberally Moderated Conservative. Now, if you can figure that one out, then you only think you have a handle on my politics.

It's alright to have a dissenting view. It's what makes the world go thump when you hit a speed bump. But the real crime is to hold harsh feelings against another because of them. Have you noticed over the past few years how certain Liberal Politicians criticize the Conservative ones with vigor, but when they themselves get commented on even in the most gentle ways, they are screaming how abused and mistreated they are?

Oh, we can carry this discussion on forever. But I have smaller fish to fry.

Question: During the 60's, Republicans were commonly Liberal and Democrats were commonly Conservative. Liberals were basically a 'live and let live' type of folks, where Conservatives were hardliners to the max. When did all this change?? Did I take a long nap or something?

Hell, I'll let you folks figure it out. On too the next confusion.

Voting: Simple here. If you do not vote, I do not even want to hear any complaints about politicians or their policies. I did not travel half way around the world, nearly get myself killed defending the theory I was protecting the rights of the people to take part in the political process. Vote or keep your mouth shout. You lost the right to complain when you decided not to vote.

And as Nick Fury used to say; "Nuff Said".

12 Sept 2003
Kellyville, OK

Politics Part 2

I promised myself when starting this to never reveal anyone’s name that contributed to this series. No need to go back on that now. When I say contribute, I mean those that in many ways have either prompted these, made suggestions, or somehow planted the seed of mischief into my warped mind. And then you have several really demented insults planted in my mind for usage later in one of these commentaries which I shall not specify.

It is important to remember that I am not politically correct in more ways then anyone can count. Therefore, having announced that, be aware just because I say, 'he', do not think it is a male that I am referencing. And if I use the words he or she in the same paragraph in a descriptive manner, I can very well be referring to the same person. This is so you, the reader, can feel that I am not referring to you in general. Or you can think I am commenting on your sexual preference. The choice is yours.

NOW..... to get onto more confusing things. You will find a Web Site URL at the end of today's yammerings. And I know that several of the folks receiving this has already seen it and have taken the test. Whoa!!!... A Test! Dude, I didn't know we had a test today!!! Relax, set back and enjoy.

Several comments about today's renderings of "How The World Flops". This test is called "The Political Compass". It is an interesting test designed to give an individual an idea where they are in the political arena. It has several flaws built into it. Now I am certain that the designers were trying to keep it as simple as possible, but have failed miserably.

Most of the questions are black and white in content, without the normal shades of gray which inhabit today's life. This can produce a somewhat misguided response. Now for those that have already taken the test, I wish you will consider that possibility that your position on the chart at the end of the test is guided not so much by your answers, but by the designers of the test. How far it may shift your position is unknown since I have had zero part in developing the test.

One major factor here. I've seen some of these questions before. This test was designed by students of a social science with specific leanings. I know I am talking gibberish at this moment, but then again, why change my habits. Look at the questions. Then look at the answers. They are designed to give specific responses regardless of true beliefs. If any single question was shaded lightly gray, your answer would be different then the one you have or will choose. If a 5th choice of an answer was given, such as, "I Have no feelings on this", again your answers would change. Change either part and your position on the chart would move dramatically.

OK. Now I have given my unqualified comments on said test. Now, I'd like to make a suggestion. Take the test more then once. I do not mean take it then 30 minutes later, take it again. I took the test late in the evening and then again at 0700 nearly 36 hours later. Big shift in plotting. Why? Beats the crap out of me. But it may have to do with the problems of the day we encounter. We are influenced hourly by the actions of the world around us. First thing in the morning we have less social interactions that can cause a shift in our decisions, where as by late afternoon we are fed up with the world and just about hate everything.

And one final note here. If you do not like the position on the chart you find yourself, you can keep taking the test until you find that place you believe you are in. But note that if you keep track of your answers, you may find yourself in a place that you really do not wish to be in. Lie on the test if you want, just do not lie to yourself.

BTW. I really have no interest in where you find yourself on the chart. Take the test if you choose or not.

29 Sept 2003
Sapulpa, OK

Politics 2.5

Well, I did say there were some strange things with that test. Some of the questions were a tad ambiguous were they not?

Now if I was a betting man, I'd speculate that somewhere in the future, those two dudes that designed the test will publish a paper using the results of said test. And Political Scientists all over the world will jump to the same conclusion that this is how the public really is in the political arena. Advisors will be telling their clients that based on a sampling, the public desires these things to happen. Politicians will be passing laws and telling their constituents how hard they are working to bring forth their wishes.

Actually, if anyone just got upset about the possibility mentioned above, just relax and take a deep breath. That test may give some indication to the political leanings of a random sampling world wide, but it is hardly something to be used by any single politician to base his programs on. Now a Political Party is another thing. But then again, no worries. If you looked closely at the questions you find there are already laws impacting each question.

Then there is the factor that the test was conducted on the World Wide Web, which is no guarantee that the subjects taking the test were of legal voting age or even sane. Add in that you have so many random variables to factor in that as a sampling of voters it is worthless.

BUT....... yeah, I know. There is always a but. For those folks that believe in the rights of the individual based on the Bill of Rights, may I suggest you go back thru the test. Look at each question very carefully. Remember how you voted on each question. Then consider just how your answer conflicts with your core beliefs of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Oh man I did it now!!!! I've asked folks to question their beliefs.

Look. I'm not out to change the world here. I'm not out to change any single individual reading this mess of nonsense. What, if anything, I'm trying to do is make folks aware that regardless of how simple, how innocent any of these tests are. They can't be trusted. Which takes me to the next part.

Who the hell decided the placement of George Bush, Tony Blair, Saddam Hussein, and the other folks on that chart? Gee, I'm certain those folks took the test themselves!!!!! Then you have the value of each answer to factor in. Without a neutral answer there is no real way to achieve a Zero position. In other words, there is no Mean position in the test. Mean is needed to verify the accuracy of any test.

Remember what I said in Politics Part 1 about the Moderates. They are your Mean. And in a real sense they are left out of this test and the ability to qualify in this test. They are the balance point.
Ok... where are we at here? This test was developed by a couple of folks who seem to know their stuff for sure. And was sponsored for a specific purpose. Whether this purpose concerns us or not is not all that important. What is important is that someone with more money then sense has developed a test, put it on a website and is collecting data. Why? Hell, do I look like a crystal ball??

But deep within the recesses of my warped, demented mind comes a grand idea. Take the test as many times as you wish. Think of it as a game. And never complete the test the same way twice. Vote against your grain. If any data is being collected here, then actions such as that will totally screw up their results.

Remember, a Mime is a terrible thing to waste.

30 Sept 2003
Sapulpa, OK

Post Script: The above ramblings were brought too you by the folks of Pleasant Manor Retirement Home and Insane Asylum. Where nothing is real and the walrus was Paul.

Politics Part 3

California has a new governor. Guess this has stuck in the throat of many folks around the country. And if you go to, you will be able to see some of the thinking around the country in Political Cartoons.

I did read a comment from a 25 year old lady from Berkley. She was accusing the Republicans of trying to take over the state. At this point, anything I may wish too say, would place me in an awkward position of sounding like a redneck.

Did anyone find it strange that until Schwarzeneggar became a real contender for the Governor’s job, that no mention of any mishandling of the ladies had surfaced before hand? Again, trip over to Slate. There you can find cartoonists who in a real sense tried and convicted the man of a crime he was only accused of.

Now, having caught a few heavy sound bites from last nights Democratic Debates, I believe that the muck and mud that was being slung in California, shall be the theme for next years election. Hip wadders for everyone!!

Interesting note: One article found on MSNBC has given the new Governor the name; Arnold “Teflon” Schwarzeneggar.

Only time will tell on how this will all play out. But I think folks should just set back and watch the action. Seriously, how much more damage can an Actor do to the State of Kalifornia, then has already been by schooled politicians? And like he is not the first actor to fill the job. Remember the last one? We called him President for eight years!

Well, I’m going to take a nap before starting work this morning. And besides, after the last edition of Human Relations, I’m certain some of you need a break.

Have a splendid weekend.

10 Oct 2003
Sapulpa, OK

Politics Part 4:

Well now, we have a governor elect in California that was not born a U.S. Citizen. Without doing major research, I would say this is the first time in 200 years that has happened. If not longer. It will be interesting to watch how this progresses over the next few months.

If you have also noticed, several unions have been really starting crap out there since the election. Also notice that the unions supported Grey Davis during this recall election. I wonder if they would have been so vocal or pronounced if Davis had beaten the recall vote?

As I said earlier, we all play politics in one manner or another. Some call it ‘Brown Nosing’, while others call it kissing ass. Choice of wording only depends on which end you be on, or if you are the one being left out in the cold.

We watched Bill Clinton kiss up to several minority groups during his first campaign for the White House with nearly tragic results. One example is that there have been homosexuals within the US Military probably since 1775. But unless those folks did something blatant to expose themselves or endanger the service, they were largely ignored. Clinton opened a bag of worms and nearly tore the US Military apart at the time. All for the sake of a few votes.

Of course, it is not a secret that Hillary hates the military with a passion. Maybe it is because she recognizes that even though the President commands the military, they never really control them.

But now matter where a person goes, he will see politics in action. Whether it is a Union meeting, a Lodge meeting or even an Internet chat room. Cliques are formed and someone always feels left out. Sometimes the cliques are quiet, docile and unobtrusive. While other times they take control, and dominate. I have always considered the latter to be made up of folks whom are weak in spirit and without moral courage on their own. But in a group, they feel empowered. Bullies, if you wish for a better term.

So. What was the purpose of today’s tidbit of diatribe? You figure it out. I’m too tired to think on it.

20 Oct 03
Sapulpa, OK

Political Fear

Some aspects of politics are harder then others. Often a single person finds themselves at odds with people they call friends. And is this frame of thinking I am reminded of something I heard years ago.

“A friend understands the differences in his friends, where a good friend recognizes the differences and is not ashamed to point out when a friend is wrong.”

Now I have to admit I am ashamed of myself for not speaking my mind once I realized there was something I considered wrong. Remember, the phrase ‘I considered wrong’, cause this is always important in any relationship.

Even after 33 years of marriage I must recognize that there are things in which my bride and I shall never agree upon. But the good thing is that we can discuss those things without fear of bloodshed or sleeping alone. What does this have to do with these and other comments today? Not a thing except to fill some space and hopefully bring a few things into focus.

Now I have never understood why or how people develop intense hate of a candidate for public office. Especially one they have never had physical contact with. Where does those feelings come from? How do they develop into such an intensity, that you would think the candidate had kicked the persons dog or something more sinister.

My Bride and I had discussed this on several occasions, without coming to any specific conclusions worth discussing here. But one thread kept coming up which maybe, just maybe requires some examination.


Yet we cannot seem to understand where the fear comes from. Why a person so fears another they become so intense they refuse to see reason. Or at least cannot see reason. But the reasons for such fears completely allude me.

Now I am aware just how much can change by the election of a single person, but also understand that things cannot change only by a single person. What we observed during the Clinton Administration was persons taking advantage of Clinton’s political beliefs and playing them for their own gains. We watched some things go from simple to confused. Political Correctness where a single individual could dictate actions over a large portion of this country.

Interesting note: Federal Laws pertaining to the building of Playgrounds with Federal Funds. One law requires specific safety substances around and under playground equipment for the protection of the children utilizing them. Hey, this is actually a great law. Accidents do happen on the playground, especially at swings and such, and a soft place to land can save a child from weeks of painful healing.

Another Federal Law requires that any Federally Funded activity be Handicapped Accessible. This puts it at odds with the Law mentioned above, because the substances specified for safety are such that a wheelchair cannot transverse to the swing or slide it is under and around. So what you have is a Playground with very few if any activities in which both the Handicapped and mobile child can use.

Now I am a firm believer in that every child should be able to enjoy a playground. But I think it is criminal to eliminate a single playground activity cause less then 10 percent of the local usage will be Handicapped. This puts things in a minority rule situation. This means it is possible that 99 kids cannot enjoy activities we did as children cause 1 child has the unfortunate situation of being Handicapped. This is not being Politically Correct, this is being criminally negligent by those we depend on protecting all of us.

Besides, Kids tend to take care of things. And unless the Handicapped child is a real jerk, other kids will find a way for him or her to enjoy the activities they may not be able to get right up next too. Also, let’s figure out what moron determined the wheel chair has to get close enough to a swing so the child can move from it to a swing. Did he also consider what will happen to the wheelchair afterwards? It sure cannot stay next to the swing or the child will find himself damaging it and himself fairly soon after the swing action starts. OH… wait… someone will move it out of the way. Yeah… and why couldn’t that same person carry the child to the swing in the first place?

OK… I’ve beat that about some. Just consider before you fire a shot at me, that I am a Grandparent. I’m not Politically Correct and don’t give me any ammunition to fire back at you.
Now, back to the reason why people hate so much again. Anyone have a thought on it? You do? Great, share it with us here. But consider this, I am not bashful in playing the Devil’s Advocate.
What worried me most about this past week’s election was not so much who won but the actions or reactions of those felt the election was not in their liking.

There are websites popping up all over the place claiming Bush stole this election also. Much in the same manner he was supposed to have stole the first one. Here is a thought. If anyone other then a Bush had been governor of Florida the first time around, then I doubt if the controversy would have been so intense over the outcome. But if you read enough websites you will find much of the same gibberish concerning the outcome of the Ohio results. Also the concern over electronic voting keeps popping up with people claiming Kerry had more votes but the electronic system kept deleting votes for him, thus giving Bush the election.

This goes back to the comments earlier in the year that is was Republicans who owned the companies that made the machines. Does it take into consideration that maybe not all of the employees were Republican? Just how many people do you have to threaten or bribe before you can keep a conspiracy quiet?

Give it a break people. We have watched aides to Congressmen and Senators leak out information for years. This does not discount the people within the various departments of government who has made sure documents best left in their desks get in the hands of the news people. Do you really think if someone sabotaged the election, it would not get out to ABC News?
So what are people so afraid of that they develop such a hatred for a specific person running for public office? Fear that their way of life will change forever? Certainly it will change. Even if their candidate wins, it can change in a manner which they never anticipated. Kind of reminds you of the old saying, “Be careful what your wish for; You may get it”.

Also came up the concept of guilt. A person may feel guilt about their life actions and feels that the public person they hate reminds them they are not the perfect person they would like to be. Ok… I’m keeping things simplistic, but then again, it has been way too many years since I was in my college Psychology and Sociology classes and since they were not in my actual major, hard to remember all the special terms and phrases they love to use to describe a persons or groups actions. I took an “A” in the classes, which was all that was important to me anyway.

What I would like for anyone reading this to do, is to set down and list exactly why the have such strong feelings. No need to list them as a comment to this, but for themselves. I seriously doubt anyone who stumbles on this blog is of the mental state they are not able to rationalize and reason through such feelings.

But here is something I have heard several times and read once or twice that I feel is important to understand. This is the concept of voting against one person instead of voting for the other. Make sense? Let me flesh it out some. A political pollster commented on television that according to his figures only 17% of the Kerry voters were actually voting for Kerry, where as the other 83% were voting against Bush. Now what kind of sense does that make to elect a President based purely on the dislike of one candidate? I mean I did not trust or like Kerry. I do not believe he was the man for the job, but I voted For Bush not Against Kerry. Now I do not agree with everything Bush believes in nor do I agree with all of his decisions and policies, but I do believe he is the man for the job at this time in our history. But that is just my opinion, which like anal orifices, everyone has one and they mostly stink.

And for those who receive notification of each publication I make, I apologize for not having the comment blanks available for responses. I am still learning this system and shall endeavor to insure the proper box is checked so if you desire to make a response directly to the Blog site you can.

8 November 2004

Monday, March 20, 2006


Humanly Related

Recently, we have lost one of our chat family due to what was nothing more then a joke. Now I know I have expounded on relationships and conflict within the realm of Human Relations, but this is one aspect no one can prepare for but can be aware of.

There are two very important aspects to being a smart ass such as myself. First, is to always ’hit and run’ with a joke. Do not press it beyond the laughter. Get the laugh and move on to the next target. Second, is to be able to take a joke. To be able to self-abuse oneself in a comic manner. Be able to cut yourself down farther then those about you try to do, whenever possible. Note, if either of these rules are ignored, then the Smart Ass in realty just becomes a Jack Ass. Also a bully.

What we have became witness too is an individual who ignored the Twin Rules of being a Smart Ass. And in doing so, took himself way too seriously, and suffered what he perceived to be an insult to his ego.

In simple words: He could not take what he himself enjoyed giving to others.

Being an amateur student of human nature, I tend to notice things. And being that I rarely multi-task while in chat, I see patterns develop and change over time. Simple things that others may or may not pick up because they only pay enough attention to maintain a coherent chat.

Now that last comments were not intended to critical of anyone. Just stating a fact.

Alright now, what has this lead up too? It leads me to the following question or questions, depending on how tired of this I get before I get done.

Why did the victims typing tend to get worse as the evening wore on.

Why would the victim leave after a certain period of time and his typing got worse.

Why if alone the victim was a cordial individual, but when in a crowd, especially with female company, did he began to play the bully?

Shucks folks, I have about a dozen more questions I could ask here but let’s be honest here, I could care less about the answers, unless they agree with what I feel to be as true.

Damn, that was certainly arrogant of me, wasn’t it!

So, the victim’s ego got pissed on and no one would kiss it and make all better. How sad an individual of his age, has such a fragile existence.

Notice I have given more questions then answers to the situation many of us find really funny. I could expound at great lengths on what I believe. But why waste time, mine or yours?

I here and now admit to having been on the short edge a couple times. I admit on being upset cause of taunts directed at me. But I can take a joke. After all I have to look in the mirror from time to time. I do not mind Smart Asses, it’s the Jack Asses I have a problem with.

One final thing. Being a witness to the events that lead up to this diatribe, I can say with clear conscious that no one blocked or banned the victims re-entry into the chat. For those without certain knowledge, any attempt to place bans upon a person or ISP, puts notification on all administrators windows. And even though it was funny to see the victim booted, a ban would have not been proper and I would have immediately removed it.

Ergo, the moron got booted and could not get back in under his own power. And not being able to admit he screwed the pooch, blamed others for banning him.

I might say more later, then again I might be finished with this. Either way, stick a fork in me….. I’m done!!

20 Mar 2006
Kellyville, OK

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Human Relations????

Here is my offerings on Human Relations. I'm not finished but I figured on giving a refresher before I further eat my soul. (19 Mar 06)

Human Relations.....

One of the very keys to the interaction of humans is communications. One of the weakest points of communications is a person or persons thinking they know what is being said or will be said without waiting for the fat lady to sing.

So far I have taken shots at two aspects of daily life. Both with mixed results. Some folks think I have gone off the deep end while others are cheering me on. So far the cheerleaders lead. But in all honesty, I would suspect even some of them think I be bonkers.

In the beginning I advised everyone to read everything twice and to consider if I just said what they think I said even if it reads as I wrote it. AND never assume that what you read is how I actually believe about anything I write about even when it makes complete sense.

Communications is the exchange of thoughts, feelings and ideas. Venting, rantings, raving and otherwise developing a pissed off attitude is often such an exchange.

Within the realm of Human relations, the ability to recognize the manner or method of such exchanges means much to the stability of any relationship. Do I take it personal or was that person just blowing off steam? Do I ignore what just happened or do I take a 2x4 up to the side of his head?

Now as far as Technology and Politics are concerned, I am not done with either.

So in these forth coming bits of communications, am I playing the Devil's Advocate or do I really believe in what I am saying. I'm only Human trying to relate to daily life as I see it. Or am I?

18 Sept 2003
Kellyville, OK

Human Relations II

Human Relations is basically the intercourse between humanity at large. More importantly it is the interaction between individuals or groups of individuals.

I know this is HRII and not the introduction. What can I say, I got ahead of myself. But here I am now, trying to put a proper spin on this segment in order that everyone will be on the same sheet of music regardless of how far off key every one is.

Within this category I shall comment on just about everything in the universe to include those items that rate their own category. Wait a minute!! Didn’t I say that in the original introduction to these commentaries? Well, sure I did. But this is for those itty-bitty sore spots that tend to get under your skin but are not worth wasting a major amount of oxygen or space on.

So far, in many ways I've been preaching to the choir. Yeah, I know, I have probably bruised a few feelings also. Well, such is life. Only person I have to please is the lady I sleep with.

Sociologists will tell you a person is in part a victim of their environment. An Ecologist will say that the environment is a victim of the individual. Then you have the Anthropologists that looks about them and goes, "Oh! WOW!!" Let us not forget that in order to be an Anthropologist, you must first have a degree in Sociology. And even though Ecology is part of the Natural Sciences, based within Geography, I have no idea where the majority of Ecologists come from. North Eastern State Mental Hospital maybe? It does get confusing at times.

One thing I have discovered in my years of doing nothing is that the true Ecologist understands the nature of things. He is aware that the Prairie Dog is a cute, furry critter, that left unchecked will overrun pastures and destroy the range, along with endangering livestock and the livelihood of the rancher. He may not agree with the manner of control, yet he knows it has to be done.
Then you have the Ecologists better known as PETA. We shall get to them later, down the road.

Now here is a sobering thought. The young teenagers that was raised in the 1960's, listening to the Beatles, is now in control of a majority of the world's business and governments. And yes, I have the White Album in both vinyl and cd, along with Sgt Pepper's and Magical Mystery Tour. Plus I have two copies of the movie, Yellow Submarine.

One thing we all must remember and that is how each person perceives things is based solely on where they are standing at the moment of perception. Factors influencing perception also includes all extraneous events in and surrounding their lives since they were taught how not to crap in their pants. But I do not accept that a person is wholly a creature of their environment. There is too much evidence to the contrary.

So, where have I gone this morning besides over the edge? Actually, this was a kinder, easier on the system, kind of message today. Just organizing thoughts here and there. Setting up for the possibility of a full-blown rant and rave, later on.

By now someone is totally puzzled why this segment is referred too as Human Relations. And I must ask, Why Not? A bridge built upon solid footing will last long after one build upon quicksand perishes.

2 Oct 2003
Kellyville, OK

Human Relations III

For Your Consideration:

Have you ever considered just what the individual was actually doing when he discovered you could milk a cow?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to witness it. Will the lumber companies still get blamed?

If teen sex is on the raise, I’d really like to know the secret of how the young men are dislodging all those cell phones from the young ladies ears long enough for such activity.

Ever notice that the usage of turn signals on automobiles diminishes according to how large or how expensive the vehicle?

Some folks are only alive cause it is illegal to kill them. So they get elected to congress so everyone can keep an eye on them.

Have you ever noticed that when someone wraps their arm around you and tells you, “Son, you just do not understand the Big Picture.”, that they themselves have zero understanding of the situation?

Seen on the television one night. In order, American Express commercial, Visa commercial, Lexus commercial, and a Debt Consolidation Service commercial. Makes sense, does it not?

5 Oct 2003
Kellyville, OK

Human Relations IV

In the early 1970’s, the US Marine Corps established a curriculum of training designed to correct or at least ease, many of the problems occurring within and without the Corps. The basic concept was to examine aspects of Human Relations in general. The entire course was 10 weeks long, spread out over 1 to 3 years.

The course was set up in a Discussion Group manner with a Group Leader who had already completed a much longer course at HQMC. It was not restricted to a specific rank classification since problems within this area impacted all ranks. And holding within the boundaries of the goal of the course, no subject was forbidden.

Simply put, this course was designed to assist in helping a Marine understand the differences between races and sexes. How to understand the culture of the people we would deal with in our careers, both in the Corps and those of countries we visited as guests or as warriors.

It was not designed so a White NCO would understand why a Black Private from Newark, N.J. acted the way he did and to overlook his misdemeanors cause of a rough childhood. It was designed to understand why and how to look for the answer to turn him into a Marine. Not to kiss his ass, but how to kick his ass and having him like it.

It was hoped that the same unification that occurs in combat could be somehow duplicated in peacetime environment. Men of different races acting as if there was only one race. Forest Green in color with only one goal in life, to survive and to insure the man next to them survives.

But the one thing that was important was for the student to understand that regardless of what he thought was right and wrong, he was usually wrong, whether the discussion was on Feminine hygiene products or the KKK verses the Black Panthers.

While trying to look upon society with as open a mind as possible, it is not hard to discover if we are not a product of our environment, then we are surely a victim of it. And the most difficult aspect of Human Relations is for an individual to admit he may be wrong about the ideals he was raised with.

Mankind has attempted to destroy itself many times for no other reason then the differences of one people from another. Yet to understand another is to understand yourself in ways far beyond those beliefs we hold so dear, yet are afraid to release because we fear that we may become less then we believe we really are.

How arrogant humanity is when one believes he is superior to another because of color, language or social position. Death holds no special place for anyone. He is an equal opportunity disposer of life.

It is easy to tell someone if they are unhappy with their environment, then change it. It is another thing to make such events happen. During the 1950’s and 60’s saw a major increase in enlistments within the military from people from depressed areas. From the poor rural South. From the containment of the Northern urban ghettos. From people who were limited in any aspect of improvement of their condition if they stayed where they were raised.

This was because in the military environment, they had a chance to grow and excel. They had a chance to escape a life of repressed growth. It was a chance to use the GI Bill to get an education, which would allow them, too improve their lot in life.

And all the time, there are people who would hold them to those repressive conditions. People who hate the fact others may get what they have no drive to achieve themselves.

I recently blundered upon an article that would have upset me if it had not been so sad. It was an extract from a book. Which only proves even a decent education does not always bring understanding. Or intelligence. Here are the lines I found amazing:

“Europe for Europeans. Asia for Asians. Africa for Africans. America for Europeans”

Now. Can someone enlighten me on where we Native Americans fit into this picture?
I mean, damn. Did this idiot ever open a history book in school?

A note of interest here. Have you ever noticed that the leaders of the majority of hate groups around the world are very articulate of speech? But just try to hold a conversation with any of the followers. The members whose monthly donations keep the groups going and their leader in Armani suits. They not the brightest bulb in the lamp for sure.

It is easier to hate then to exercise the little grey cells to learn why a person is different. Biology may have caused a person to look the way he does, but his environment is what shapes his basic understanding of the world. It is those who would desire to be more then they are that strive to remove themselves from a repressive environment. It is the desire for knowledge that sets them apart from their biological brethren.

I have had friends from all parts of the biological spectrum. Friends whose sexual persuasion does not follow the so-called norm. When accepted for who they are and not what they are, I have found them to be good friends. People who have the same wishes and desires as those who would seek their destruction. Except they do not seek destruction, only peace and understanding.

It is here that I shall end this session on the soapbox. But this is not finished by any means.

Peace be unto those who seek it.

8 Oct 2003
Kellyville, OK

Human Relations V: “The Sins of My Father”

OK… those that were able to get through HR IV are probably about to skin me alive. Take a number. And it will be at least 5 digits in length and Kate owns the first 1000 tickets.

I can envision that some who read it perceives that the HR Program was focused at the white Marine in order to coddle the other races within the Corps. If so, it is only because of the way I wrote it. I’m not into giving a dozen examples, when I believe one will be adequate for the job.

There were several things about those Discussion Groups that would totally mess with the minds of many folks I have met in my years of eating from the military trough. One is the fact there was no training schedule, except that Discussions began at 0800 and carried through 1700 hours daily for a period of one week as specified. No lesson plans, no exams or tests. Next was that even though everyone was in uniform, rank was left at the door. Only person with authority in the Groups were the Group Leaders. Boy, it sure kept things interesting!!

Having been raised in a home where racial prejudice was almost unheard of, I did have many questions of those of darker skin. Don’t get me wrong here, I knew about prejudice and it’s stench. Father was rarely home due to his work and Mother was usually on her pedestal, looking down on those less fortunate. And in school you heard it all the time from other students. I just never could understand how a person could hate another due to color of skin and other assorted factors.

Many of the arguments used in the 1970’s by one group against another dated back even before 1900. Sort of like the wife remembering something that happened on our third anniversary and shoving it in my face on our thirtieth. Sorry, that horse don’t ride.

When it came right down to it, most misunderstandings came from the lack of knowledge of one another. Here again we become the victim of our environment. If we are raised hearing about how a group of people are, without taking the time to look closely, we accept that situation as correct and continue on. In ignorance.

I have heard time and time again about how others are getting free this or free that while we cannot get anything we do not work for. May I point out one central fact here. They folks that passed the laws, set up the programs, usually manage the programs, fund the programs and change them according to cost of living and such, have historically been white. My father’s generation at work.

You can get pissed off all day long about the freebies others receive, but remember who is responsible for those freebies. Politicians. Not the individual or group receiving them perks. And remember, we elected the current ones to office.

Sadly, one of the problems with our government from day one has been that once a program is started, it is nearly impossible to get it stopped. It takes on a life of it’s own and continues to breed.

So one day I was setting in my Human Relations Group, sipping a cup of coffee, listening to a young, black Marine tell how oppressed the black race was, based on historical knowledge. Yeah, he had history down pat. Knew all the buttons to push. Was well versed in the propaganda of the 1960’s and 70’s.

But he forgot one very important thing.

I am not responsible for the sins of my Father.

13 Oct 03
Sapulpa, OK

Human Relations VI

(Copyright 1987)

I know not who I am. But the lyrics of the Byrds' "Turn, Turn, Turn" keep running through my mind. Why am I?

I search for the truth in dark corners and try to view it with an enlightened mind. Always aware of the darkness within. how can I?

I realize that I am a mortal man, bound to this earth by flesh and blood. Yet I look to the heavens and feel the stars calling. Calling me to look deep into the darkness. Should I?

The mind is a delicate thing, able to recall memories of joy and suddenly bring forth memories best left in the darkness. Memories of days both future and past, living within my minds eye. Again I ask: Why am I?

I look upon the faces of the children and see who I am. I listen to their questions and know that I should.

I look at the starts and return their wink, then smile. For I am man and I was placed here to learn, grow, and teach, so that someday, the children can say ------- I knew him.

********** Notes: *************

I was not going to send this one out today, but as I set here listening to the radio, trying to decide which of my humble attempts I would dispatch, guess what tune began to play on the radio. Yeah, the Byrds doing a Turn. So, who am I to tempt fate?

Words are a magical thing. They can heal or destroy. Bring forth joy or sadness. Ignite love or fuel hate. I hope that somewhere, somehow, I can set forth into motion nothing but good with these tidbits of my past that I shall submit for your consideration.

Ask not where these stories or poems come from. You really do not wish to know or venture into such a place.

17 Oct 03
Kellyville, OK

Human Relations VII

I was going to send out another of my Short Stories today. But as life is fluid, so is that which determines my actions from day to day. I once had a job where the daily schedule was determined by what was in the mail. Made planning a bitch.

Anyway, today we are going to tackle a growing pain in the keester that afflicts the Internet. Whoa, you say!! This is a Human Relations segment, not a Technology segment!! Relax, all will made apparent in due course.

Urban Myths & Legends. What more needs to be said here? Plenty. Oh, but where to start? We have discovered with just 15 minutes of research that the Lee Marvin email is bogus. That Private Marvin was back in the U.S. at the time of the Iwo Jima landings and therefore could not have witnessed Captain Kangaroo earning a Medal of Honor. Plus Bob Keeshan is not listed on the USMC website as a holder of the Medal.

Now we have the “Wrath of the Eagle” email. You know the one. Ok, I’ll refresh your memory.

“Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages; the following verse is from the Quran (the Islamic Bible):

Quran ( 9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.

(Note the verse number!!!!!)”

Recognize it now? Well, if after reading this you felt so much better about sending troops to kick the crap out of the Taliban and Saddam, I hate to ruin your day. This is a full load of bovine waste material.

No where in the Quran does this scripture exist. And to confuse things even more, there are actually two passages within the Quran listed as 9:11. But neither makes reference to the above quote. This is nothing more then the result of a fertile mind.

Don’t believe me? No problem. But I’ll make it easy on you, since I’m sure you do not wish to procure a copy of the Quran and read it. Just go to the Google Search Engine, type in Type in +quaran +"9:11". It will bring up several references - Go to the 3rd one titled Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Quaran). Towards the end of the first page will give you the quote, then the exact true verse in the Quaran.

I do love my research department!!!!!!!!!!!

Next we have a new letter making the rounds. Cute thing about this is that it is accompanied by a picture that seems to lead credibility to the attached email. It is titled: “Email from Iraq” Here is that mail:

"How are you all doing? The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute to our fallen comrades. So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq the one way that we could think of doing that is by taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel. It would be awesome if you could find a way to share this with our fellow countrymen. I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that "WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN" and are proud to serve our country."

Semper Fi

1stSgt Dave Jobe”

Anyone see anything wrong with this email? Let me give you a tiny hint. There are No, None, Zero, Zilch units within the Marine Corps that call themselves Baker Company. The term Baker has not been used by the US Military in over 40 years to specify a unit. Now in all fairness, I went to and looked through it for such a unit. None to be found.

Then you have the situation of why a First Sergeant is sending this out for publication when the Corps has a superb Public Relations team for such activities?

Now, I must admit that the attached picture was damn nice. Hard to say if it was a Marine unit due to distance. And as far as being taken in Iraq, well, I could come up with at least a half dozen stateside locations that would fit the terrain.

So, in summary, we continue to send junk mail back and forth across the Internet. Mostly cause what we read touches our heart with it’s sadness and plea for assistance, or because it touches that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Just because we got it off the Net does not make it factual. I can come up with hundreds of Web Sites predicting revolution, civil war, race war, government conspiracies and on and on and on. Most are the rantings of a mind sicker then my own. And we know how sick that is!

It would be easy for me to produce a heart rendering email from a sick child needing a kidney and asking folks to send the email around the world, collecting signatures so he/she/it can be placed higher on the waiting list. And damn thing is, no one receiving this email would know who wrote or started it.

And just because a name, address, phone number is at the bottom of the letter does it mean it is accurate. Notice that most of those phone numbers do not have an area code attached?

Also, since when does the Department of Homeland Security send out a warning by email instead of the news? Hint, UPS destroys all uniforms as they do their trucks in order they do not get into the hands of criminals to be used illegally. Been that way since the Brown truck first rolled out to loose your package. One or two may find their way to eBay via a former employee, but 2000 or more will not.

Well, I do believe I have spoken more then I should. And there is still so much to be said about some of the bull manure transmitted over the Internet. Gee, did I just shoot myself in the foot!!!!

So, have a nice weekend. Consider life is like a wonderfully, sweet bowl of cherries. Once devoured, all you have left is the pits.

24 Oct 2003
Sapulpa, OK

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