Sunday, October 02, 2005



Alright now, in the last segment of How The World Farts, we took a jaundiced look at the possibility that things are not as they seem. There are those that might consider much of what I have said or may say to be heresy. A Heretic amongst the chosen ones.

Gun Control is far from being a new concept. History is full of bits and pieces which make up our lives today. Remember, at one time, you could go to your nearest hardware store and purchase an M1927A1 Thompson Sub-Gun right over the counter as easy as you could by a Winchester shotgun.

I once heard a gun dealer ranting that every person had the right to own an AR-15 because in doing so, it would put the civilians on par with the military. Being that a couple years before, I had spent some time at Ft. Benning going through IMPOC, and had observed the Bradley IFV going through it’s paces in an obstacle/live fire exercise, I was wondering just how on par an AR-15 put anyone. But maybe more on this subject later.

I ran my SpyBot program awhile ago, just to clear my buffers of garbage collected from surfing the net. It really makes you wonder just who or what is tracking whom for what purpose. This reminds me of an interview I observed on CNN late one night with a lawyer from the Justice Department. This is pre-9/11. Anyway, the legal beagle commented that the web surfing public should not be afraid of the government as much as they should be leery of Proctor and Gamble tracking their activities on the internet.

Now take it a tad farther. If P&G can track you viewing pleasure in order to set strategies for marketing, could concealed under the label of productivity could there be a tracking of hunting/shooting activities on the same internet? But for a more sinister reason.

Let’s look at it from this direction. For whatever reasons that exist, I have chosen to spend my life in pursuit of the banning or destruction of all firearms. And in doing so I have examined all other attempts before me. After all, it is a fact of reality that history will repeat itself and if one does not examine history on a regular basis, one shall repeat the failures of history. Something I do not wish to do in my endeavor.

I strike upon a plan so devious that even I astound myself. I am going to place myself in the position to learn everything I can about firearms. How to make them, how to use them, how to modify them for sport, everything an avid shooter/hunter should know and then use that information against those that oppose my grand plan.

I’ll start a website for hunters/shooters. It will have both a Chat Room and a Bulletin Board. The Chat room will record all conversions which I shall spend my spare time reviewing for information which can be used against the evil gun.

Enter Sandman.

Next I arrange to have a tracking program tagged to several of the more militant websites/chats/bulletin boards. I’ll use this activity to hopefully convince the meeker members of Congress to pass laws inhibiting the manufacturing and ownership of firearms.

After all……I am doing this for the betterment of society.

Now, back to reality. Or whatever reality you reside in at the moment.

It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to conceive of a scenario in which what I have supposed could happen. All it takes is a driven hatred and funding. Both exists in our world today.

The one thing our external enemies would love to see is a violent division between groups here within the United States. And I would not be surprised to discover their footprints amongst the tracks surrounding such things. And in case everyone has forgotten, Nikita Khrushchev once swore to destroy the United States from within. Can we be seeing the final throes of such a plan? Seriously, let’s face it, many of the elder statesmen of today were in their teens and twenties when Khrushchev was in power. Could any of these people be the spawn of such a plan? Can anyone explain why Memphis BBQ is rated better then Texas BBQ?

Has to be a commie plot.

Read the next couple paragraphs carefully. Twice or thrice if necessary. They might be important to your sanity.

Charleton Heston had a musket in his hand the night he proclaimed that it could only be taken from his cold, dead hands. Bless his heart for being in the right place and I regard him as being one of the greatest actors of the 20th century. But let me also say this. If he had been holding an M1A or an AR-15, when he said that, then I would have rallied behind him and the cause with lightening speed. As it was, I could only stifle a laugh at the trick played upon us. Oh, I am certain that musket represented to many people, every firearm made today and tomorrow, but it is not a far stretch to see it as the last position to be taken by the NRA. The last manner of firearm to be taken from the public. Does that also signal the level of compromise some leaders are willing to follow?

Then you have those that swear they will surrender their firearms one bullet at a time via the noisy end of the barrel. Can we say Suicide by Cop? For one it shows a specific level of fanaticism which could scare the Pope. And scared people will react to their fears in an irrational way. Usually with diametrically opposite results from that which is desirable.

The mythology of martyrdom does not apply is the above circumstances and the loss of even one soldier in the fight for freedom diminishes us all.

I shall not endeavor to expound on that which I think is the proper path here. Consider that there is more to tactics then the study of Sun Tzu.

And never threaten an enemy that might know more about Machiavelli then you do.

2 October 2005
Amongst the Blackjacks.

Note: I neither support nor endorse any organization. Nor to I condemn any either. The fact I specifically named one in this Blog is their own fault for having such a high public image.

Second Note: Notice how I blamed the NRA instead of taking the heat myself. Spoken like a true liberal.

Closing Note: I just realize I have no idea how many firearms I own. So much for being a pseudoLiberal.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Once Upon A Time........

Shall we play a game? Every time I hear that I think of the crazy computer Joshua in War Games. The electronic voice is chilling at times. But I do like the following words from the song, Enter Sandman by Metallica.

hush little baby, don't say a word
never mind that noise you heard
it's just the beasts under your bed
in your closet, in your head

That’s just to wake up the paranoid tendencies so this segment reaches out and slaps you.

Since Hurricane Katrina, I have seen several articles, cartoons, comments, or blurps concerning the outrageous activities by law enforcement personal. One cartoon was in two frames, one containing the activities of British Redcoats in 1774 Boston while the second frame showed a man handcuffed on the porch of his house while his family looks on surrounded by what appears to be SWAT teams and with the caption New Orleans, 2005.

I was asked if I saw the similarity between the two. Truthfully, No. But I’ll explain that at a later date.

What I did see was an attempt to frighten me. Metallica’s words slowly making sense yet? OK, then, let’s do it this way. (Long Pause Here)

Once upon a time there was this dude named Melvin. (What follows is complete fiction, or is it?)

Anyway, Melvin was the hardcore outdoors type. Avid fisherman and rabid hunter. Being a 20th Century dude he also maintained a dialogue with several websites on his faithful Benditbroken Computer in his den. His collection of firearms was growing daily and his interest in Military Firearms came from his few years in the Navy as a Gunner’s Mate.

One day Mel, we’ll call him Mel cause we like him, checked his Attack Arms website supported e-mail and found he had an e-mail in his box addressed to Bert, the owner of Attack Arms. He was going to delete it until he noticed the senders name was similar to the founder of A website dedicated to the destruction of all types of firearms. Now, being that Mel liked Bert a lot, cause Bert had helped him find the repair parts for his Bulgarian ThunderBanger Mark XII, and was concerned that maybe he was being pressured by this hate group, he opened the e-mail.

Mel had to read the message several times before it finally sunk through his thick head, Bert was Wilber’s brother-in-law. Wilber being the founder of I-Hate-Guns. Wilber was drafting the weekend schedule for a fund raiser and was making sure Bert was free to give a talk on the attitudes of redneck gun owners and how they effected events.

Mel forwarded the e-mail to his ISP mailbox and deleted it from his Bulletin Board mailbox. He decided that maybe this was just a fluke, a mistake in the electrons, and would not say anything to anyone until he could find out information.

Nearly 3 weeks later, he received another of those misguided e-mails and upon opening, found that Wilber was making sure that Bert was going to bring physical location information of all his board members he currently had on hand. They were going to turn that information over to a friend they had in the BATF, who was going to check the info against the FBI’s Known Felons List.

Who could he turn too? Who could he trust? Who thought up this silly tale?

I could build upon this story line till hell froze over and box poor Mel in like a trapped rat. No need to do such a thing to him. Poor Mel is just Mel.

I did say that I would explain about the cartoon later. This is not later. Sorry.

Let me ask a few questions. One or two at least.

Have you noticed that the folks who sale Firearms Accessories promote the idea of paranoia of confiscation even more then the NRA? And their owners have became millionaires from selling said accessories.

Does anyone really know the politics of the owners of the Servers which we use to conduct our chats and Bulletin Boards?

Do we really know what capabilities the ISP Owners have of identifying it clients and what they may or may not do with the information.

Does anyone know what the hell I’m talking about? Does anyone really care?

Boxers or briefs?

1 October 2005
Creek County, Oklahoma

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