Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Survival 101

OK… enough is enough. We are going to end this and move onto other less appealing subjects.

As I was saying earlier, most sites only give you the basics to hunker down for a day or three, or to grab and get out of the way of trouble. Nothing stable for long term. Long term. Can we say Katrina?

Let’s each and everyone understand one single vital piece of knowledge. Without power. Without electricity, everything comes to a complete halt. Even if what caused the trouble does not directly effect you, loose the power grid and you will find yourself in a world of hurt. No lights, no heat, no water, no nothing.

Am I serious? Certainly. It takes pumps to move water, fuel oils and even natural gas from Point A to Point B. Loose one and you loose it all.

Water will flow until the gravity flow takes empty down to a neutral level, ergo, no water.

Natural gas may be flowing, but your expensive heaters and kitchen appliances will not light due to safety measures implemented in the electric ignition circuits. Turn the knobs all you want, but no gas to the oven to heat the room cause the tiny servos cannot move and have the gas blocked. We will see you at spring thaw.

Within days, the cities will begin to feed upon themselves. And like cockroaches in the dark, the criminal element will venture into those areas they feel can support them. And once they realize the urban situation is not livable, they will slowly creep out into the rural areas, looking for food and water, and whatever else they think they need.

William W. Johnstone wrote a very interesting description of what I have been talking about in his Ashes Series. The first three (3) books are the good ones as they explain some basic concepts and ideas. Forget the rest as they were written for the money, in my opinion.

If you intend to stash and store for the Big One, then might I suggest you plan for Day 101 and beyond. Ever wonder what a roll of tolietpaper will be worth on Day 105? A cup of sugar? A Cup of Flour? Things we take for granted, will become worth as much as gold or diamonds to some folks. Worth killing to obtain by other folks.

I put this back into the recesses of my mind and hopefully move onto other intriguing things. I’ll let these previous thoughts run rampant within or without your mind. See if you are ready for Day 30.… then look to Day 101.

18 Jan 06
Cooling my jets in Kellyville.

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