Sunday, June 17, 2007


New World What???

Before I delve into the subject matter, one very important piece of law must be remembered by any reader of this Blog. Within the Criminal Justice System, the Accused bears no burden on proving their innocence, But the Accuser bears the full weight of proving guilt. Although Perry Mason made good television viewing going out and proving his clients innocence, it was, after all, just good television.

Now. On the suggestion of an individual, I have been researching the aspects of the New World Order (NWO) Conspiracy. I learned in high school that the school solution is not always the correct solution. Granted, the Laws of Mathematics are rigid and impossible to overrule.

As much as some will scoff at this, I have always tried to search for the answers that support the question at hand. Single sourcing in research is the only way to support any problem or theory. Single sourcing also restricts a person to only finding those answers they believe in. Multi-sourcing a problem can provide a much broader spectrum of answers to a situation. Even if you can find the supporting information to your theory, you can find information that further expands your knowledge. This is what I tried to do with this task. I went out to find proof to support the New World Order Conspiracy Theory. What I have discovered is somewhat disturbing.

When you open a web site concerning the NWO, many times you will see slogans about Freedom of Thought. Thinking Free. Yet as you read the sites they will tell you to ignore certain councils, boards, committees, or groups, because they are part of the conspiracy and are not to be believed. But, you can trust them to give you the correct information. Besides being a contradiction in free thought, it also ignores one of Sun Tzu’s most quoted tenets. Know Your Enemy.

The reasons that are given for ignoring such information is as flimsy as some of the aspects of the Theories themselves. And the amazing thing is, even thought there are a couple dozen different approaches to the Conspiracy Theory, the base of each is identical in form and format. It is as each Theorist took the base format and modified the form to fit their particular phobia.

Granted, the current rage is Bush bashing, but there still active groups such as the USA/Rome groups. The Zionist Groups. The Alien (ET) groups. And the list can go on and on. But I figure you get my point. And if you don’t get the point, just consider each are saying the same thing, but from a different angle. It must also be noted that they all include the United Nations as a key enemy of the state.

I must also note that some of the folks hollering real loud about the NWO Conspiracy are making a living off it. The thing that must be obvious to the reader of such sites is these folks preach fear. Fear of the Government. Fear of the US Military. Fear of the Law Enforcement system. Fear of the United Nations. Fear of any secret organization that refuses to allow the public admittance.

What must be noted here is those Conspiracy Theorists are using the same tactic to breed fear. The creation of fear based propaganda to influence the masses to achieve their agenda. What that actual agenda is has yet to be determined. Other then making money out of the fear of others.

They take actions or events from history and use them as examples how simple it is for a despot to go from a countries leader to its dictator. And considering Hitler was the worst of the worst in a non-communist country, he is used as example Number 1. The real problem with this example is that it is taken totally out of historical context, which when examined in its raw form can confuse and deceive the reader into believing the possibilities of such occurrence happening in this country by the same method Hitler used.

Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich ("Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the State"). Also known as The Enabling Act of 1933.

The Enabling Act was a special power allowed by the Weimar Constitution to give the Chancellor the power to pass laws by decree without the involvement of the Reichstag. These special powers would remain in effect for four years, after which time they were eligible to be renewed. Under the existing Weimar constitution, under Article 48, the President could rule by decree in times of emergency. The unprecedented element of the Enabling Act was that the Chancellor himself possessed these powers. The Enabling Act was only supposed to be used in times of extreme emergency, and in fact had only been used once before Hitler, in 1923-24 when the government used the Enabling Act to rescue Germany from hyperinflation. To activate the Enabling Act a party required a vote by a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag.

An Enabling Act (Ermachtigungsgestez in German) was passed by Germany's parliament (the Reichstag) on March 23, 1933. It was the second major step after the Reichstag Fire Decree through which the Nazis obtained dictatorial powers using largely legal means. The Act enabled Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his cabinet to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. The formal name of the Enabling Act was Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich ("Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the State").

The previous two (2) paragraphs were stolen from an on-line source. Honestly, I did not feel like digging through my stored books for the same information, then reduce it to a readable level. These folks said it nicely in a much smaller form.

But what is missing is the nature of Germany in 1933. Germany in 1933 was in fact smaller then Germany today, which I might add is, according to what Almanac you read, is smaller then the state of Montana. Germany lost much of it’s industrial base in repartitions to France in the Treaty of Versailles. Also a lot of it’s industry base was destroyed by the same treaty because it produced materials of war during WWI. This caused major problems later on for the German people.

Add into the equation that the German Army were still humiliated by the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and accepted the promises of Hitler to rebuild the German Army to its once greatness. They turned their heads to what came.

In 1933 Germany was literally staving to death. The Weimar Government was printing money that was actually worth less then the paper it was printed on. It has been documented that often the German people was using the paper money to fuel their cook fires because it was so worthless. A loaf of bread could cost as much as 1 million Marks. Photos show men pushing wheel barrels full of Marks home after being paid for a weeks work. This is what has been referenced as Hyperinflation.

Hitler also had his own, private army in the form of the SA. And he used it to assist in his movement. The police stood back, out of harms way and allowed these troops do as they pleased.

It also helps that when he required the Reichstag to pass legislation in his favor that there were more SA troops in the chambers then there were ministers.

As I said, the German people were starving was like a drowning man, grabbed for the only promise of survival that was present at the time. Sadly it was the worst possible lifeboat in recent history. Hitler told them what they wanted to hear. And the price they paid was horrendous .

Does the United States have Enabling Acts? Yes. An enabling act is legislation passed by Congress authorizing the people of a territory to frame a constitution. The act also lays down the requirements that must be met as a prerequisite to statehood. These Acts have usually been titled "An Enabling Act for a State of (Name)". The last such act was the Enabling Act of 1910, for the Admission of Arizona.

Moving back into present day government, we must remember the original writings within the Constitution. The major point is Checks and Balances. The President only has that power allowed to him by Congress and reviewed by the Supreme Court. Congress cannot enact a Law without the President’s consent via his signature unless passed by 2/3rds majority. And even then, the Supreme Court can overrule Congress with a ruling that it is Un-Constitutional. We saw this when parts of the Brady Bill was tossed out because they violated specifics concerning the reimbursement of expenses incurred by local and state agencies in enforcing a Federal law. No previsions had been made for such activities, therefore the Supreme Court ruled it was Un-Constitutional in form, thus removing those portions from the Brady Bill.

The aspect of fear is based on the idea that the President has unlimited powers. Anyone watching the news of late should realize that is just not so.

Now, I have said many times the United Nations idea was a grand experiment that is dying from its own internal corruption. Just how scared blind do you have to be to not see this? They can barely recruit peacekeeping troops for countries smaller then Delaware, how does anyone think they can develop an army to take over the United States?

I could find the concept of secret military bases with thousands of foreign troops on US soil comical if not so sad. If they are secret bases, then how come the Conspiracy Theorists know of these bases. And how come none of the sites I have examined can produce a single location of said bases. Certainly we are a vast country, but it takes a lot of land to house, train and maintain troops. Not counting the logistical support needed to provide the basic functions for these troops. This cannot go unnoticed by even the most uncaring of people.

Certainly we have had foreign troops on US soil since the end of WWII. Some have been assigned to Liaison offices on Army bases in support of what was once known as REFORGER. Others acted as liaison for many of our military schools which trained their soldiers, sailors and marines, in our equipment.

I once walked into an Army mess hall at Ft Bliss, TX and found myself surrounded by over 100 West German troops. And passed Italian troops when exiting. Part of the IMPOC school at Ft Benning was within the School of the Americas area which was where large classes of Latin American troops were being trained in our equipment and tactics. I even had two (2) African officers in my IMPOC class, from different African nations.

In 1972, I watched an entire Canadian Airborne Regiment parachute into Ft. Irwin California with all their equipment and weapons. Along with the ammunition for them. And three (3) weeks later, they loaded back onto their Canadian Air Force C-130’s and flew back to Canada. Minus several thousand rounds of live ammo they had used in their exercises.

Here I must point to an article on PrisonPlanet concerning armed Mexican Troops entering the US during Katrina. The article says they have an Associated Press report claiming armed troops entered the US illegally, in convoy and then disappeared. They even provide a picture at the head of the article of armed Mexican troops in convoy.

First, I have not found a single article by the AP stating armed Mexican troops entered this country. They do have a very nice article concerning the 196 unarmed Mexican support personal who entered the US to assist recovery operations after Katrina. I did find a CBS News report which commented that there was a unsupported rumor of armed Mexican troops.

But the picture mentioned above raises certain suspicions since even without blowing the picture up for analyzes, it has signs of being doctored. Why does the private vehicle on the right of the picture have its entire license plate white out? If it was a Texas license plate, then to protect the owner would only require the actual numbers to be darkened out, but since Mexican license plates are also white and to prevent anyone from noticing what Mexican state they were issued in, such as Nuevo Leon, it was totally white out. Then you have no marking or signs on the buildings on either side of the street, other then a billboard at a distance which is unreadable. One building on the right has its façade darkened, removing the lettering, but looking closely at it, the colors are not a perfect match. The original colors outline the color used to obliterate any lettering. Then you have no lines or markings on the street at all.

No, that picture was taken in Mexico. Not in Texas. So in this day of nearly everyone having a digital camera, no physical proof exists of armed troops entering the US via a border patrol access point. No AP article referenced in the article to support the claim.

It does not take much to recognize that the Theorists are betting most folks will not double check their references. Many of the articles I read concerning the Government, Military or Law Enforcement carried only supposition and disinformation. It was based on the concept that the writers word is golden regardless of what other information might be out there to contradict their statements.

Especially within the Military and Law Enforcement articles, they act as if those personal serving the public are robots. Forgetting they were our neighbors before, during and even after their terms of service. They were educated in the same schools as we were. Have the same desires and goals in life we have. And have the same religious and political beliefs we have. They are not some sub-species, grown for the tasks in life they have chosen.

An interesting thing one will notice in the Conspiracy Theories is they have been around for well over 100 years. But it is only with the fall of the Soviet Union that the format of the theory has solidified into a specific format. As one individual recently told me, it almost seems that the format was written in Hollywood.

As I said in the opening paragraph, it is the accusers responsibility to prove the accused guilty. There is no evidence to support those claims. Just supposition, slight of hand tactics, and disinformation designed to create a condition the writers can milk to further increase the value of their stock portfolios.

I believe I could take Edward Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Extract specific passages, change the dates, places and individuals names with current times and names. Build a web site using a cover name, provide a picture of one of my deceased relatives as the sites author, create a bank account under one of my grandson’s names and commence to scare the crap out of those who would never catch onto where the information is coming from and all the while, asking for donations to keep the site open.

Hell, I could probably pay for all three (3) of my grandsons college education within a year.

If you will notice, I have not delved into the Psychology of why people are so ready to believe in such theories. Writing on that subject would entail the same effort as in writing a Masters Thesis. Not the most exciting thing in the world to do or read. So I’ll leave the reader to come to their own conclusions.

In all of my writings I have tried to be subjective towards the subject. I have always written in such a format to get the reader to think, develop their own conclusions and hopefully consider doing their own research to prove me wrong.

This article has bent my own rules for writing. I have tried to be as specific as possible without the name calling I have seen on many of the sites, both pro and con with the subject.

The one thing I find most disturbing is in reality the theorist are calling for anarchy. Much in the way Lenin did at the start of the Russian Revolution. Certainly they will not outwardly call for it, because no supporter of the Constitution would stand for such a thing. But the only thing that can result from the mistrust they ferment towards the Government, the Military and Law Enforcement would be anarchy until someone steps in with a better plan. Much in the way Lenin and his crew stepped in with a better plan. Much in the way Hitler and his cronies stepped in with a better plan.

Our system of government is not perfect. Far from it. But it is much better then the alternative.

I do propose this. Go read the senior Bush’s New World Order Speech in its entirety. I hope that you will notice that he is talking about the fact the order of the world had changed with the fall of the Soviet Union and that a New World Order is emerging. The face of World Politics and Economy was and still is changing due to that single event. If we do not adapt to it changing, then we shall become a victim to it.

Besides, who in his right mind will publicly announce a secret agenda to take over the world in a public forum? Even Hitler waited till he was firmly seated in power, and even then he did the majority of his evil behind closed doors and through his cronies.

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