Saturday, June 23, 2007

To those just now reading this Blog, you might wish to read the previous entry below. Especially since this is a continuation of that Blog and this one might make more sense . If it makes any sense at all.

Did you read the previous Blog? Oh well, too late now. Let us continue.

In the previous article I commented on the possibility of anarchy. Well now, we have to remember that even Thomas Jefferson believed in anarchy. He was a proponent of minimal government, which is reflected in the basic format of the Constitution and the liberties held within the Bill of Rights. I agree with this concept of anarchy, but it requires the constant interaction of the people themselves to govern themselves.

Jefferson expressed his fears of the Constitution being subverted in personal letters to friends. Jefferson noted one aspect of mankind that Marx and Engles seemed to have missed. Basically, that mankind is just no good. And the reader must remember that anarchy takes on many forms.

Now, back to the original article. I mentioned how some folks out there are making money preaching distrust of the Government, fear of the Military, and fear of Law Enforcement. Here, I must apologize for a conceptual error of my own. I mistakenly said distrust, when I should have said fear of the government. Because let’s be honest here, everyone distrusts the government, even those operating within it.

One other thing I have noticed within many of these sites is the attack on Capitalism via articles on how the public is being lied too by Big Business. I found it interesting they specifically attacked the oil industry with an article that Peak Oil was a myth. I have my own views on this subject, but I feel the data is still incomplete and therefore refuse to comment.

Now, back to the original article. I mentioned how some folks out there are making money preaching distrust of the Government, fear of the Military, and fear of Law Enforcement. Here, I must apologize for a conceptual error of my own. I mistakenly said distrust, when I should have said fear of the government. Because let’s be honest here, everyone distrusts the government, even those operating within it.

But here is what you could call my fears. Sooner or later, someone is going to act on those fears. Some individual or group of individuals will consider themselves patriots and take up the suggestions of retaking our country by force. Once this happens, and it is bound to fail, then what all fear will come to pass. There will be an outcry from the rest of the country to make assurances that such a revolt could never happen again.

If this happens, not only the Federal Government, but State Governments will be forced to enact laws that will be near Draconian in nature. Liberties and freedoms will be curtailed to a level this country has never seen. And this will give birth to the real possibility of dictatorship and totalitarian rule.

What can be done about this situation? Nothing. Not even the most sever reading of the Constitution prevents the Right of Free Speech. Catch 22. A few will influence many for what gains is unknown.

One of the things concerning the NWO Conspiracy is that whoever wrote the guidelines for it was smarter then the average bear. He built a case against some of the very sources that that might possibly provide information distracting from, if not destroying the Conspiracy Theories base assumptions.

What we have is Orwell’s Thought Police being countered by the very thing he was talking against. Thought Police. Someone telling you who to believe and not to believe. This gives a person only a narrow view of who or what their enemy really is.

This violates two (2) principals of both tactic and political actions. Know Your Enemy. Keep Your Friends Close, But Keep Your Enemies Closer.

Lenin is probably laughing with joy on how much of his philosophies are being furthered by the Theorists and Orwell is probably spinning in his grave because of the way his views of Stalinism and Totalitarianism are being subverted for personal gains.

So here I have written what I feel is correct. Whether it is or not is purely subjective and judgmental. Only time will tell. I can only hope I am long gone from this earth in case I am correct in my worst case scenario. But I wonder how many will go to their end of days wondering why they have spent so much time worrying about that which never happened?

(24 hours later) I forgot to mention in either article that once a person becomes captured by such phobias as the Conspiracies, I have yet to discover any information which will enable them to see that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train heading their way. They seem not to care where the information they need to feed their phobias comes from, as long as it fits into their vision of the end of the world. They are like a drug addict, feeding from whatever dealer provides them with their fix.

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